Sunday 2 June 2019

Time Management Tips For Women - Grab These 8 Time Management Tips Today

Do you ever feel as though you couldn't possibly cram one more thing into your day? With a woman's busy workload the thought of just grocery shopping can send you over the edge. Learn some time management skills and quell those out of control urges. You don't have to feel short on time and stressed out any more.

Stress can sometimes make you feel so overwhelmed you want to run screaming through the streets. You start to get that queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. Your head begins to pound and you just know you're going to be sick. Road rage begins to take over when you feel like ramming your car into the rear end of the truck that just cut you off.

It's time to take a deep breath and regroup. It's time to learn some time management skills to help keep those uncontrollable feelings of doom and anger in check. These tried and true time management tips for women could be your saving grace.

Here are 8 Time Management Tips to follow right now:

1.    Make yourself a list of everything you want to accomplish that day. Making a list will help put things in real-time and enable you to see if your schedule is realistic.

2.    Prioritize your list. Do the important tasks first or when you have the most energy in your day.

3.    Break down the tasks even further into bite-sized chunks. Doing things this way, your schedule doesn't seem quite so daunting.

4.    Piggyback smaller trips and tasks for the day. Make all your phone calls at one time. Map out your route and plan your trips to the grocery store, shopping mall, kid's activities and so on, so it takes the least amount of time to complete.

5.    If at all possible, handle paperwork only once. Don't waste your time opening junk mail. Throw it away immediately and unopened. You'd be amazed at the time you waste just peeking inside.

6.    Try to avoid impromptu visits. If someone stops by or calls and you have a full load that day, arrange another time for your visit or phone call. I'm sure if you explained things they'd understand and commiserate with you.

7.    Try to be prepared for potentially stressful situations. Rehearse what you might say or do should the need arise. Make sure you have all your necessary resources at your fingertips.

8.    Know when to ask for help. You'll know when you simply have too many priorities. Enlist assistance from your co-workers, kids and sweetheart and complete your tasks.

In my estimation, the most difficult of these tips is number 8 - enlisting help. We all think we're superwoman and can do it all. Truth be told, you probably can do it all and probably a whole lot better than others; however computer Technology Articles, you'll only be able to do this for so long until your body says "no more". The object is to complete all your tasks in a timely manner and maintain your health and sanity in the process. Then your free time is your own.

Charlotte Winslow
Source: Free Articles from

Saturday 1 June 2019

The Myth of Time Management

Time Management is a myth that so-called self-help experts have pushed down our throats for decades. Learn the truth about Time Management and how you can finally find more hours in your day.

Time Management is a myth. You can’t manage time any more than you can manage the rising and setting sun or the pull of the ocean’s tides. Attempting to manage time is like attempting to manage the weather. Time marches on, with utter disregard for the comings and goings of mere humans. Time can not be managed, period.
You can only manage what you can control. While it’s true that time cannot be managed, it is possible to manage yourself within the confines of time. With discipline and diligence, any person can effectively manage him/herself within time’s boundaries.

Where Does It All Go?

The simplest way to begin to manage yourself within time is to evaluate how your time is currently spent. Keep a journal for one to two weeks, and mark down each activity (or lack thereof) to discover where your time goes. Group like activities into categories, and evaluate whether too much time is spent in a certain area. Consider which activities are productive and lead you closer to your goals, or further away from your goals.

By evaluating how time is spent, you will be able to see what activities can be trimmed or streamlined in order to create the illusion of more time. It’s impossible to create more time—each of us has only 60 seconds in each minute, 60 minutes in each hour and 24 hours in each day. By improving the way in which you spend your time, you are able to feel as though you have more time during the day. This simple shift in thinking can create a remarkably empowering experience.

To decrease your frustration about time (or lack thereof), watch your language while referring to time and time-related matters. Avoid phrases like “I need more time,” “I don’t have enough time,” and “I’m running out of time.” When you use phrases like these, you are fooling yourself into thinking it’s Time’s fault instead of taking responsibility for how you choose to spend your time. Time is a fixed measurement and it’s not Time’s fault if you don’t manage it correctly. Remember, YOU are in control of how you spend your time.

How Much Time Have You Got?

Each of us is born with a finite amount of time on this earth. Unfortunately, no one alive can know the exact amount of time allotted for him or her. Would you live your life differently if you knew you were going to die 27 days from now? If you answered yes, you’ve got some room for improvement in the way you currently manage yourself within time. Get busy doing what really matters to you and remember that you are in control of how you choose to spend each minute of each day.

Amy S. Grant
Source: Free Articles from


For more than 15 years, Amy Scott Grant has been speaking and coaching people to improve their use of time, set and achieve powerful goals and reduce or eliminate stress from their lives. She is the creator of The Success Method and New Success.

Friday 31 May 2019

How Busy Are You? - A Great Tip For Effective Time Management

Are you “time management obese?” With this one simple tip, Bob Selden suggests how to manage the “comfort food” of time management so that you can achieve your work goals and still enjoy the food!

You receive a phone call from the CEO who asks whether you’d be interested in taking on a special assignment. In this assignment, you would report directly to the CEO and participate in making some of the important strategic decisions facing the company. This assignment would provide you personally with major growth and career opportunities. The offer has only one catch; because the assignment is only part-time requiring about one day per week, you would have to do your present job in the remaining four days. Would you take the assignment? Before reading any further please answer “Yes” or “No” – Would you take the assignment?

HBR (October 2002) reports that this question has been posed to hundreds of managers, most of whom believed that they already lacked the time to do their jobs properly. Yet, ninety nine percent of them take the assignment. Why?

Are these managers (and perhaps we could include ourselves):

Admitting that if the motivation were powerful enough, they could eliminate or do in much less time eight to ten hours worth of current activities each week without negative consequences?
Currently spending time performing unproductive, time-wasting activities (that they could easily drop) to avoid or escape job-related anxiety? Like the other 99% of managers, did you answer “Yes”?. If so, what activities that you currently do, could you eliminate or do less of to free up some of your time for the more important things you need to do?
As the HBR article points out, almost all managers escape some job-induced anxiety through a variety of unproductive, often unconscious, psychological mechanisms – rationalization, denial, blaming and so forth. One of the most costly is busyness; the escape into time-consuming activities that managers find less threatening to perform (though much less productive) than the tough aspects of their jobs. I call these “comfort tasks” – comfort because they are generally mindless and easy to do. However, having done them, have we progressed any of the major tasks we need to achieve? The answer is almost certainly “No”. And like good food, “comfort tasks” make us feel good, but if we have too much, we feel bloated. The trick is to keep the comfort tasks to an enjoyable minimum and thus not become “time management obese”.

So, how do you reduce the amount of time spent on “comfort tasks”?The first step is to become aware of how much time each of us spends on these comfort tasks. Remember, for most of us, these comfort tasks are done unconsciously, so we need to find out what they are.

For the next week:

• Place a very bright post-it note somewhere visible with a large question: “Is this a comforting task?” (You will quickly learn to identify them because they are the things that you start to do when your mind wanders AND you find yourself not working on the required major goals, tasks or activities)

• Take a note of the things you do that are comfort tasks (i.e. they are not progressing your major goals or activities)During the following week:

• Make a conscious effort to reduce the amount of time you spend on identified comfort tasks.

• Keep in mind, that some time spent is ok (and healthy), but overdoing it is overdosing! In the future, should you find your mind wandering, remember the “comfort task” trick and get back on track? This simple technique is bound to free up some of your time to focus on the really important things either within your job or private life.

Source: Free Articles from


Bob Selden, of the National Learning Institute, has previously taught time management techniques to managers with varying degrees of success. Over the years, he has found this one simple technique outperforms all others. If you have another time management idea that you’d like to share with Bob, or pose him a question regarding time management, he can be contacted via

Thursday 30 May 2019

Essential Life Skills You Could Master This Summer

Summer is only a couple of months away and now seems like the right time for you to chalk out your plans and list out the many things you’d want to strike off your bucket list, for life, starting this summer! Nobody wants to turn into a blob and lie there on the couch all day, watching mindless shows on the television, when in fact you could be mastering a new set of essential skills every single day, all of which will certainly come to your rescue one fine day. If you don’t know where to begin from, here’s a list of essential life skills you could look into:


Baking is an entirely rewarding activity. Once you master the art, or get close to being even sufficiently good at it, you would want to spend days baking and gorging on your own goodies! Everybody loves a person who can bake. Besides that, it will allow you to experiment with a whole set of recipes in the kitchen, be self-sufficient and earn brownie points every time you bake for someone!


This one is for all of you who love being on beaches but are never quite prepared to head into the water for a good swim. Swimming is a skill one ought to master as it is relaxing, helps burn a lot of calories, increases your appetite and can be of immense help when any kind of tragedy strikes! Breathe easy and don’t let the massive waves dampen your spirits even as you try to learn the basics. Or, you could just dive into a swimming pool to start with.


Nothing makes you feel more independent than being able to drive your own car from place to place and not having to rely on public transport, or worse, on other people. Summers are a good time to enrol yourself for driving lessons after having figured the driving test cost and prepare yourself well, just in case you plan to hit the road any time soon, considering the fact that summers are the best time for road trips!

Go Dancing:

It may not figure on the list of usual set of life skills, but trust us; nothing works better than blowing someone’s mind off with good dancing skills, or at least manageable ones! Join a class, be it for salsa, jive, contemporary, hip-hop or ballroom. Dancing is an excellent way of working out, toning your body and having fun while at it. Before you even realize, you’ll be waltzing your way at dance parties and you will know what an important (social) life skill it is after all.

Go Camping:

Make most of the summers and gather a bunch of friends and head out on a long trail which ends in a night or two of setting camp somewhere. Camping is a quick way of learning more than one survival skill and a fun way of toughening oneself up, making sure that one can survive all vagaries of nature and life, in general!
Been there, done that, Laura spent last summer mastering her driving skills. Then she checked out how much a driving test cost on and booked herself in. This summer she plans on taking her friends on a road trip.

By: Laura Ginn
Article Source:

Wednesday 29 May 2019

3 Key Components to Effective Time Management

Effective time management is an absolute must in order to manage the typically busy lifestyle associated with living in the 21st century.
A certain degree of time management skills is required to work through schedules that seem to pull us in multiple directions simultaneously.
Read more to see 3 time management tips you can use immediately to take control of a busy schedule and increase your own productivity.

Effective time management is a necessity commonly needed by anybody expecting to successfully manage the typically busy lifestyles we live today. Coordinating business, social, and family activities can be a very stressful task. Without establishing some sort of time management system you are inviting tension and chaos into your life.

Although lifestyles may vary there is an overall need for just about everyone to develop some sort of time management skills.

From the important matters concerning your business to managing a household, there will always be multiple tasks needing to be completed. This can only be done by you managing your time in an efficient manner, but where do you start?

Let's discuss 3 simple time management tips you can use to immediately take back control of your day while increasing your productivity.

Task Listing

The first order of business for anyone juggling a hectic schedule is to first list the things you want to accomplish. Certain sizable tasks will require that you break them down into the steps that are involved and needed to actually complete the task itself.

When developing your 'to do' list you will also be able to note the estimated amount of time you'll need to complete each task.

Task Prioritization

Now you will review your list and begin to prioritize each task. Certain things may be more important or time-sensitive than others, therefore, you will schedule for their completion first.

During this stage, your focus is simply to 'rank' your list according to their respective priorities or associated deadlines.

Task Scheduling

Here you want to 'arrange' for the actual completion of each task on your list by 'working' them into your schedule. Using their rank in priority and their estimated time of completion you can now put together a 'workable' plan for when each task will be done.

Be realistic here and don't try to overbook yourself. It'll only make you frustrated and discourage you when you can't complete all the tasks. It will also increase your haste which will invite error resulting in the inefficient use of your time.

With a little practice here you'll improve your time management skills helping you to more quickly and accurately develop, schedule and coordinate your activities.

Of course, effective time management always culminates in the successful execution of those activities or tasks that you schedule, but then again you already knew. Having in place a time management system such as the one we discussed above enables you to alleviate undue chaos while accomplishing more. Whether it's for personal reasons or your business free Articles, time needs to be properly allotted for each task to be successfully completed. By simply following the 3 time management tips we discussed here today you can enjoy a fuller and more productive life and all with less stress.

Source: Free Articles from


TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
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Tuesday 28 May 2019

Importance of Time Management Tips and Techniques

One who manages time in a well mannered and according to requirement never feels any difficulty in performing his whole day jobs, duty and other assignments in a very calculated and successful way and as a result, such people are called as a very successful personality. best time management, free time management
Time is very precious thing; it has wings and as such is passing very fast. Time once gone never comes back. It plays very important role in the life of every man kind. The people who know the importance of time factor in their lives and career are very conscious about its management.
One who manages time in a well mannered and according requirement never feels any difficulty in performing his whole day jobs, duty and other assignment in a very calculated and successful way and as a result such people are called as a very successful personality.
Proper time management also results in contentment and satisfaction in daily life. On the other hand people who don’t bother to enhance their skills through  free time management tips and are in the habit of doing things haphazardly with out any proper planning of ten results in a failure or in break down of their all plans and assignments. They can never spend a successful life. They are never contented people. They are always unable to enjoy their life in a well mannered and successful way.
If you review the above facts deeply you will appreciate and feel that best time management plays a vital role in the life of successful and contented persons.
Similarly time management techniques and time management skills are also very important for students for their bright and brilliant carrier. A student has to mange rime very effectively for his assignments, readings and co-curricular activities. There are a lot of examples which we can find very easily where a student is showing very good grades in his studies but when we look about his extra activities we will find him no where means he doesn’t know how to manage time between his studies and other activities. We can also find some students who are the captains of their home teams in any sport but when we look at their grades they are pathetic and the reason is same that they don’t know any thing about best time management.
Time management for family is also very important to live a prosperous life. Just like the above examples of students if we look closely to the families where one can easily find tightness between family members we can observe very easily that despite of other major factors a main major factor of this tightness is that they also don’t know any thing about time management system. Like for instance, just consider the example of a married couple and think about if male person has a job at night and female, his life partner, has a job in day. The result will be a great disaster if they both do not pay attention to the time management exercises. It is necessary for them to find time management solutions to live a happy, prosperous life.
Same is the case for working persons and it is true for every type of person whether he is doing a white colored jobArticle Submission, a red colored job or a blue color job. Every one has to develop time management techniques. Other wise he or she can not compete with the current world. One can improve his time management skills through online time management tutorials.
All the above mentioned factors witness that proper time management is a vital and unavoidable factor in every sphere of life. So let’s start right now or let’s start from right now how to manage time?

Source: Free Articles from


Hello,I am Martin from Streamwood, USA and I am writing lover. I write about my personal experiences and spread the words which I like and dislike. Thanks

Monday 27 May 2019

Create a Great Time Management Strategy and Achieve the Life You've Always Wanted

A common time management mistake is to attempt to do too many things and not distinguish between the important and critical. Time management, in the true sense of the word, can be defined as doing the right thing the right way at the right time. The golden rule of time management is to put firs things first. Do the things that only you can do. Delegate the rest. You will find your life more productive, meaningful and time well spent.

A common time management mistake is to attempt to do too many things and not distinguish between the important and critical. What is time management? Time management, in the true sense of the word, can be defined as doing the right thing the right way at the right time. When one does not do things in the right way, i.e., prioritize things that have to be done, a lot of time is taken up in doing the non-essentials.

Putting first things first is the crux of time management. Do things in order of importance, and stop wasting time on the non-essentials. The 80/20 rule applies here. Eighty percent of your results will depend on the critical 20% of things that are most important. The key is to zoom in for what is important.

Identify things that can only be done by yourself, and no one else. These are the critical success factors in time management and your life. Ask yourself , "What one thing could I do, that I'm not currently doing, which, if I did it regularly would make the biggest difference in my life?" Then devote as much time as you can to activities that make a difference and contribute most to your happiness and success.

In your life, think of the most crucial thing that would make a difference. For example, in terms of managing your money, will it be to concentrate on improving your skills at your current job, or learning another skill so that you can prepare for the future, or tightening up on your finances so you won't be losing money?

For example, in a retail shop, what is the number one thing that will make a difference in their bottom line? To improve sales. In this case, a more effective time management skill and goal setting strategy will be to improve sales. They can brainstorm ways to do this. Rather than focusing on other things, like renovating the shop front so it would look nicer, which they've always wanted to do. But it is not effective use of time and resource at the moment.

How about the most effective way to spend time with your kids? Is it cooking meals and doing the laundry for them, or spending time to help them in their schoolwork? For examplePsychology Articles, the wshing or cooking can be left to someone else so it will allow you to be able to spend more quality time with your children. They can have their full stomachs and you at the same time.

Think and brainstorm all the things that only you can do. Then prioritize in the order of importance. This is the msot important skill of time management- identify things that do matter. So that you can have time for things that matter.

Source: Free Articles from


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