Tuesday 30 April 2019

This Is How Successful People Manage Their Time

NOW Is the Right Time to Step Out of Your Procrastination Habit

The right time is something that lots of people waste many precious moments waiting for. "When there is a hill to climb, don't think that waiting will make it smaller." ~ Author Unknown But if you think about it, what does 'the right time' actually mean? Well, here's something you can try when you find yourself waiting for it, rather than: Starting a project or task, or Stopping a habit that you want to break, or Embarking on an exercise regimen. As soon as you notice that you're waiting, ask yourself, "What am I waiting for?" What are the circumstances that will make another moment the right time but disqualify this one? What do you think needs to happen to make your next step doable, if it isn't doable now? "The habit of always putting off an experience until you can afford it, or until the time is right, or until you know how to do it is one of the greatest burglars of joy. Be deliberate, but once you've made up your mind -jump in." ~ Charles R. Swindoll Not the Right Time? Maybe You Just Need Right-Sized Steps! And yes, first steps are often the most difficult. That's why I encourage you to 'chunk' your tasks into the smallest steps possible. It is much better to have 10 small steps that 3 big ones. Why? Well, for starters, the smaller the step the more likely you are to... start! When your first step is doable, any time is the 'right time.' Another way that chunking things down into small steps helps you get more done is this: You can use smaller time increments to do what you need to do. That means that you are often able to use the small 'scraps' of time between larger tasks to tick items off your to-do list. The smaller the step, the more likely you are to take it - it's as simple as that. So if your Inner Procrastinator is telling you that the time isn't 'right' you can always counter that voice by creating some smaller, more doable steps for yourself. So, if procrastination is something that frequently holds you back, you're certainly not alone. Millions of people struggle with this energy draining time thief. Procrastination's costs include lost productivity, lost income, lost opportunities, frazzled nerves and damaged relationships. Try some right-sized steps to get yourself moving again, today! By Paula Eder Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Paula_Eder/40911

Monday 29 April 2019

Smart Work & Time Management - By Sandeep Maheshwari I Hindi

Moving From Time Management to Self-Management Is Crucial to Becoming More Productive

Moving from time management to self-management is crucial to becoming more productive, especially since time is our most precious resource. It's fixed, doesn't discriminate--available equally to all--isn't influenced by anyone, yet most people complain about it. Either they "don't have enough," so they "run out," or they are "too busy" to do what they need to do in the available time. Why do people complain about time? Author Dan Ariely (Honest Truth About Dishonesty, Loc 2079) tells us people lie to themselves. We have a "... deeply ingrained propensity to lie to ourselves and to others." Besides, "... We are pretty skilled at pulling the wool over our eyes." Instead of accepting that time is not an issue, but our lack of planning and prioritization is, we blame time. And according to Ariely, we feel good about ourselves, and we tell ourselves why "our actions are acceptable, and sometimes even admirable." Time Management to Self-Management What can we do to overcome deceiving ourselves? First, we must accept that life is full of exciting and enticing distractions. Store owners in malls know how easy it is to distract us. They use "sales," "free" items' indirect costs, and other gimmicks to get our attention. Meanwhile, mobile devices meant to help us manage our lives more effectively, control many folks, as social media's addiction rises. To be sure, these distractions contribute to spending time on unimportant matters. Second, we must reject the notion of "time management." The idea of "time management" has been around for many years. Sadly, that term creates a false impression that helps us deflect our ineffectiveness. We must accept that nobody can manage time because time is fixed and uncontrollable. We can control only ourselves and what we do in the available time. And we must own our actions and inactions. Reference to "time management" is more appropriately self-management. Thus, we must apply the same skills to manage us as we use to manage others: goal setting, planning, delegating, organizing, directing, and controlling. When we accept that we will never have more than 24 hours daily, we will not have an issue with time. Let's look at some practical things we can do to work effectively in the available time. Ten Self Management Ideas Develop a plan-do-control cycle approach to doing tasks. Start with a goal, work out the steps to do the goal, identify control points to check how you are doing, and adjust as needed. Learn to work for either time or task. Sometimes, you want to work on a project until you finish; for instance, tomorrow's homework. That's working for "task." However, when you go on Facebook, Twitter, other social media, and emails, set a time, and stop when the time expires. That's working for time. Work with priorities. Know when you are most productive and do your top priorities then. Most people's peak productivity is about two hours after they awake. Don't multitask. Consistently, research shows multitasking is a sub-optimal approach. Get enough sleep and exercise. The amounts each of us need is highly subjective, so find what works for you. Reality is you need to rest and recharge daily. In addition to seven to eight hours sleep every day, for years, I take a 15-minutes nap about noon daily. I don't sleep; I merely close my eyes and focus on breathing deeply. Unbalance your life. Set boundaries for your private life and enforce them. Give 100% to each area of life at appropriate times. Your family is more important than your work, but when at work, give 100%. At home, turn off your emails and focus on your family. Don't seek balance, seek to compartmentalize your life and focus 100% on each compartment as needed. Sometimes, you must make choices to do essential projects at work that require a significant time investment. Give 100% to those projects. Do a time inventory for a typical day and a typical weekend, showing exactly how you spend available time. Note your time wasters, plug them, set goals for time usage, and adjust your lifestyle accordingly. Avoid unnecessary meetings; that's most meetings. Meet only with an agenda, start and end times, and in cell phone free zones. Daily, do a brain dump-write everything down that you plan to do sometime; this is your project list from which you transfer items to work on to your day timer. Self-Management Means Taking Responsibility for Behavior Change We won't get more time, so, let's stop convincing ourselves that the issue with "time management" is we are too busy and need more time. Change your vocabulary from time management to self-management and understand, although we lie to ourselves and blame time, the reality is we must change our behavior and become more useful in available time. Michel A. Bell is an author of six books, including Managing God's Time, speaker, founder and president of Managing God's Money, adjunct professor of business administration at Briercrest College and Seminary, and former senior business executive. For more information n self management, Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Michel_A._Bell/762062

Sunday 28 April 2019

Don't Waste Your Time - By Sandeep Maheshwari I Hindi

Time Flies, Right! Letting Go Of The Struggle To Control Time

For eons, people have been struggling with the concept of time. It permeates our language and influences our outlook on life. After all, time is money, time is of the essence and time flies, right! And so, we struggle for control over time: we measure time, stretch time, lose time, kill time, and still never have enough time! It's not surprising we feel this way. The pace of life today is far more frenetic than it was even just a generation ago. In the struggle to control time, we've grown so out of touch with the natural world that it doesn't seem to matter whether it's day or night, hot or cold, summer or winter. We control the climate at home, in the car and at the office. We create artificial environments to extend our days. We eat food with little regard for its season or source. These artificial life choices further separate us from the rhythms and cycles of nature, desensitizing us to nature's seasonal indicators of passing time. When we stare into the cold screens of our electronic gadgets, we disconnect from the natural world around us and forget our origins. In the words of author Michael McCarthy, "We need constant reminding that we have only been operators of computers for a single generation... but we were farmers for 500 generations, and before that hunter-gatherers for perhaps 50,000 or more, living with the natural world as part of it as we evolved." If we want inner peace, we need to learn how to coexist peacefully with the inevitable march of time instead of trying to control it. We need to synchronize with time at all levels. The sixteenth-century Chinese poet Liu Wenmin put it this way: "To be able to be unhurried when hurried; To be able not to slack off when relaxed; To be able not to be frightened And at a loss for what to do, When frightened and at a loss; This is the learning that returns us To our natural state and transforms our lives." Time moves on whether we are hurtling through life or savoring it. We can - indeed we must - learn to remain still and calm amid the torrent of commitments, not allowing our overscheduled lives to rob us of the time we need to recalibrate and connect to the natural world, ourselves, and each other. The simple act of spending time in nature is one such solution that has many healing properties. In Japan, this healing process is known as "shinrin-yoku" or forest bathing. Scientific studies confirm that spending time in nature can lead to decreased stress hormone production, lower heart rate and blood pressure, elevate mood and strengthen the immune system. If you've ever had the opportunity to return to the same place season after season, you'd recall the private pleasure of reconnecting to a special place each time you returned: becoming aware of the height of the tide, the direction of the wind, the time of sunrise and sunset, and the phase of the moon. Having a place in nature to return to allows us to reconnect where we'd left off, much like picking up an old friendship. Sometimes we encounter the power and beauty of the natural world in one startling moment: observing the grandeur of a rainbow after a storm, or seeing the beauty of some tiny creature up close. These are magical moments when all sense of time stops and we're caught up in the wonder of the present moment. To connect to nature is to reconnect to our own origins. Stepping out of our man-made schedules and obligations - even if just for a few moments - to look at the clouds, smell the air, feel the breeze on our skin, helps us reconnect to the eternal nature of creation and find peace. By Ada Porat Ada Porat is a kinesiologist and pastoral counselor who founded Stillpoint Holistic Services, a center for healing and transformation that serves clients around the world. She is passionate about helping clients live their best lives. Ada can be reached at https://AdaPorat.com. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ada_Porat/22141

Saturday 27 April 2019

How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals)

Ten Tips For Setting (And Keeping) Life Changing Resolutions

It's time for that annual ritual of making (and breaking) our New Year's resolutions. There is something about the idea of being able to start over that motivates us to pause (at least briefly) and reflect on our lives as they are, as well as how we would like them to be. Yet how many times have you thought back to last year's goals and found that many or most of them were abandoned or just forgotten after a few weeks or months into the year? Many of us have difficulty following through on our resolutions due to factors such as choosing unrealistic goals, not making them challenging enough and/or lacking the necessary motivation to stick with them. The following tips should help put you on the right course and assist you in staying committed to your most important goals for 2006. Start with a life vision If you don't know what you want your future to look like, how can you decide what areas of your life need to be worked on? Spend some quiet time TODAY reflecting on (and writing down) what is good, bad or incomplete. Then try to "see" your life if all of these areas were addressed and had become satisfactory to you. Get organized Clear away clutter. Go through paperwork, files, old bills and receipts, closets, drawers and storage containers. Decide what you need and will use and either throw out or give away all the rest. Put aside some time each week for this purpose. After you have cleaned out you can think about your existing systems for management and storage and see if these need reworking or just some fine-tuning. Keep ONE calendar to record all appointments, events, etc. Write down everything- don't rely on memory. Expand your horizons and make a commitment to learning something new. Challenging yourself will infuse you with greater energy and sense of purpose. It will help build your self-esteem to realize you really are capable of more than you had previously believed. This new learning can also give you additional resources to assist you in your career, personal or love life. Set challenging but realistic resolutions Choose goals that stretch your ability muscles, yet are realistic and therefore less vulnerable to failure. Don't respond to that negative inner voice that says; "oh, I'm not capable of that". Instead, focus on what you truly desire for your life and relationships and let this be your guide. Write down your resolutions Write them down and stick them on your bathroom mirror, your fridge, your car dashboard, your desk or wherever you know will be a good place for you to see them. You can also show them to a good friend, family member, your coach or anyone who could provide support and encouragement. Create action steps for each resolution; write them down, and keep an accounting of your progress for each. A resolution without planned action is doomed to failure. Break each goal down into small action steps or objectives. Putting a date for completion will help ensure you follow through. Come up with an accountability system that will work for you. Make sure you check off each accomplishment as you go and be flexible and willing to make adjustments in your action steps in order to achieve your desired end results. Take care of yourself; eat well. Exercise regularly and learn to control and eliminate unhealthy stress. I know this is an obvious one, so why is it often ignored or overlooked when we are attempting to make important life changes? How many times have you said, "I don't have the time" to eat right, exercise, sleep adequately, etc? Not caring for yourself will guarantee failure. So, why not make this your first and most important resolution for 2006? Work to eliminate bad habits Including this as a New Year's resolution would put you on the road to good follow-through. Bad habits will sabotage your efforts and use up your limited resources of time, energy and focus. For each bad habit you decide to eliminate, have a good habit in mind to replace it with. Set appropriate and healthy limits in all areas of your life Knowing your limits and enforcing them with yourself and others is a prerequisite to a healthy life and relationship. Learn to say "no" and "enough" and be firm in your resolve that this is a good thing to do. Otherwise, you will also be undermining your resolution to take care of yourself. Work to be the kind of person you want to be with Bringing out the best qualities in yourself will help to ensure that you attract people of good quality into your life. You wouldn't want to compromise on the standards you have set for a potential mate. Therefore, it's important to understand that this also holds true for other people in search of relationships. Now begin this year with the resolve to be the person you know you have the potential to be. You'll be pleased with the wonderful changes that await you! By Toni Coleman Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Toni_Coleman/1658

Friday 26 April 2019

Zig Ziglar Setting Goals 1 of 3

1 Step Program to Achieve All of Your Goals

In Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen's original "Chicken Soup for the Soul," I am reminded of the short story titled "Another Check Mark On the List." This is a story about a 15-year-old boy named John who, on one rainy day, when it was too wet outside to play, he decided to write a list of goals. John continued writing until he had 127 goals. These goals included exploring the Nile River, climbing high mountain peaks around the world and learning 3 foreign languages. He also wanted to be featured in a Rose Bowl Parade and play several musical instruments. Of the 127 goals that he listed over 60 years ago, John has achieved 108. If he lives to become 75 years old he will achieve 109 (he listed "live to see the 21st Century"). How did John achieve all of these goals? He wrote them down. Step 1 Write It Down: Write it down, write it down, and write it down! Have you ever got to a point where you were going to write down a New Year's Resolution or some other goal you thought you wanted, only to find yourself procrastinate. One year later, did you need to achieve the same New Year's Resolution or goal? Why does this happen? It happens because of that little voice inside of you that says, "I am not good enough or worthy enough to be in possession of the benefits derived from achieving my goal." "I have been programmed for failure." I recently read a motivational quote that said: "If you can't write it down, you can't do it." Let us think about that for a minute. Every day you may be compiling lists of things to do to run your household, perform your job, or plan your business trip or vacation. How many times do you really write down, exactly what you want out of life? How many long term or short-term goals do you write down? Now when thinking about what you want to achieve focus your attention on specific words and ideas relating to your goals. Give those words and ideas your complete attention as you write them down. Did you ever write a letter, business report, or term paper and at times find your fingers flying across the keyboard? Since written words are symbols of objects, ideas, or feelings, could the physical process of entering these words onto a page actually create a subconscious connection? I believe it does. When you use language to communicate on paper, you need to process the information on a subconscious level. The help you are getting while creating your list of goals is coming straight from your powerful subconscious mind. Why not take advantage of the power of your mind in achieving your goals? Write your goals down in your day planner, write them down, and hang them on your walls. Write your goals on sticky notes and place them on your bathroom mirror or on your windows. Every time you write your goals down, your body is moving towards them. The goals are getting clearer and clearer. The roadmap you create by writing goals down projects straight to your subconscious mind and is being acted upon. A now popular syndicated cartoonist wrote down 15 times a day, every day the following sentence. "I want to be a syndicated cartoonist." He did this every single day, even when he did not feel like a syndicated cartoonist. Now, Scott Adams, the creator of the "Dilbert Cartoon" is a full-time, syndicated cartoonist, known the world over. Scott "wrote it down." One way to state that goal in a more positive and immediate context is to say, "I am a syndicated cartoonist." Act as if you already are in possession of the goal. It takes a lot of pressure off you during your daily activities when you feel the new role. You then become comfortable with it. Write your goals down everywhere. As you write them down think about John, the 15-year-old goal achiever from the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" story. Now that John is in his seventies, what advice would John have for you when you ask him, "What is the most important thing I can do to achieve my goals?" Listen to John whisper in your ear these three words... write it down. By Wayne Perkins Wayne F. Perkins is the Stress Annihilator for sales teams and executives. Wayne helps corporate clients achieve their goals. "Annihilate Stress an Propagate Hope" Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Wayne_Perkins/7866

Thursday 25 April 2019

Goal Setting Inspirational Video Best Motivational Speaker In Nepal Vivek Bindra

Your Most Important Goal Isn't Always the Biggest

What's your most important Goal? Not your biggest Goal, because size has nothing to do with importance when it comes to Goals. There's often a correlation, meaning that being important isn't what makes a Goal big. And being a big Goal doesn't make it important. So what makes a Goal big, and what makes a Goal important? Big can mean different things. It can mean the number of people involved, how much effort something will take, how much it will cost, the effect it will have on your life or the impact it will make on the world. Not all of these have to be large for something to be a "big" Goal, only one. So. if a Goal takes 40 people to do, that's a lot; it's probably safe to call that big. If I have a Goal to travel to every continent before I die, that's a pretty big Goal for most of us. It's going to check just about each of those boxes. It's going to take several more people than myself to plan and execute something like this. It's going to take a lot of effort to do all the things you have to do to travel outside your own country, much less to other continents. It's going to cost quite a bit in terms of time and money too. It's going to have a huge impact on me as well as I'm exposed to other cultures, people, foods and customs. It's also going to have an impact on more than just me, though not hundreds of people. It will impact my family, my children, the people I work with, the people who I hire to help me do this trip from travel agents to tour guides and it will impact all the people I meet in some small way. This would, by most definitions, be one of the biggest Goals I could have based on all that. We tend to want to assign importance to the bigger Goals, but it doesn't mean it's my most important Goal. Importance is more about the emotional attachment we have to our Goals and what we feel we'll get out of them besides a sense of achievement. One of my most important Goals is to rekindle my creativity by drawing regularly and reading more to stimulate the creative parts of my mind. For me they go hand-in-hand. It's important to me, because drawing has always been one of my most loved things to do. It doesn't cost much, take a lot of people or have much effect on the world. I believe it will have a great effect on me, in the sense that it will make me more fulfilled and satisfied with my life. I'll be more creative which will bleed into other aspects of my life. The only big part will be the time and effort it takes to do it. I have to set aside time to do it and make it a habit. Just as writers write, artists draw. Even that becomes a small thing as the habit is created, nourished and made permanent. The ongoing reading to stimulate my mind and drawing to express my creativity becomes so much a part of my life that it's second nature, as are all good habits. Don't let size and scope trick you into assigning a false value to your Goals. Bigger isn't always better or more important. Setting good goals is essential to your success. Everyone thinks they know how to set goals, but sometimes we don't know or remember some things. Visit http://5things.Success-Maniacs.com/ for a free report called 5 Things About Goal Setting You Need to Know Right Now. Tim Johnson is a life-long student of self-development and leadership material. He's on a mission to teach as many people as he can to be successful in a moral and ethical way, consistent with their values, that can create positive change in themselves and everyone they meet. By W Timothy Johnson Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/W_Timothy_Johnson/1572563

Wednesday 24 April 2019

How to Set and Achieve any Goal you Have in Your Life - with John Assaraf

4 Reasons Why You Need Health Goals

Many people will tell you that you need to have Goals in each of a set of defined categories. I'm less strict about that, but I definitely think you should have Goals for your Health. How do you have health Goals you may ask? First you need to take stock of where you are right now. Go to your doctor and have a full physical done, including blood work. Most insurance will cover this as part of your preventative care, except for the blood work. Get your weight, your cholesterol and everything else you should track noted. Then you need to determine what the ideal is for all of these. Ideal weight. Ideal cholesterol. Ideal glucose level and so on. Wherever you're not in that ideal range, you need to create a plan to get there. Your doctor will give you ideas. They LOVE doing that. Now WHY do you need Health Goals? Without good Health, nothing else can get done. I speak from experience here. The last month or so I have been trying to get over a bout of bronchitis. It knocked me down for a couple of days early on, and it just keeps hanging on. It's draining my energy and creativity, and it's really knocked me off track on pursuing my Goals this month. It's essential to be physically and mentally able to actually DO the work to achieve your Goals. Without good Health, what you do isn't as productive. When we're sick, our bodies are busy fighting whatever bacteria or virus has attacked us. Or our bodies are busy healing from whatever pain or injury we're suffering from. When you can work at all, you simply aren't going to have the energy to get as much done. It affects your thinking and your ability to make things happen. It can affect your judgement too and cause you to make costly errors. Without good Health, we aren't as motivated to get things done. Let's look at weight here. When we're overweight, it's more difficult to get excited about certain things. We can be self-conscious about how we look compared to those we see as Successful. Sometimes it's not our imagination either. Certainly Hollywood makes us think you have to be thin and beautiful to be a Success. Look at leaders in places you've worked or know. Does upper management tend to be fat and ugly or thin and good looking? In my experience, thin and good looking gets you farther. Without good Health, we are more stressed than ever. When we're not at our optimum health, it's stressful. When we're sick, we naturally want and need to rest. Yet we know there are so many things that aren't getting done. We NEED to get up and do something, but when we do, we can't do it for long or we make a mess of it. Poor Health itself is stressful. It creates extra demands on the body to carry extra weight, process more sugar, salt, fat and chemicals than it should or to pump blood through clogged arteries. Not to mention the physical stress to joints and muscles. Our Health is the one thing we cannot ignore when we set our Goals. It's too important. Our Health is what enables us to think and do the work well and quickly to achieve our Goals, but it's not just a tool to do that. Our Health has to be good to excellent if we're going to be the best that we can be. Setting good goals is essential to your success. Everyone thinks they know how to set goals, but sometimes we don't know or remember some things. Visit http://5things.Success-Maniacs.com/ for a free report called 5 Things About Goal Setting You Need to Know Right Now. Tim Johnson is a life-long student of self-development and leadership material. He's on a mission to teach as many people as he can to be successful in a moral and ethical way, consistent with their values, that can create positive change in themselves and everyone they meet. By W Timothy Johnson Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/W_Timothy_Johnson/1572563

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Why you should define your fears instead of your goals | Tim Ferriss

Progress Depends on Doing the Little Things Daily

As we work towards our Goals, it's easy to get discouraged, because we don't always see progress. We want a quick result or at least something we can see every time we look, but that's not how we should measure progress all the time. Sometimes, our progress has to be measured in the daily actions we take. When we look at one of the most common Goals, weight loss, it's easy to see why it's also one of the most common abandoned Goals. Losing weight is a long process if we do it right without endangering our health. Even weight loss surgeries won't guarantee immediate, observable results each day. Yet we weigh ourselves daily, looking for more progress; and we get disappointed when it stays the same or fluctuates up and down. What's important is the trend, not the day to day changes. That needs to be repeated. What's important is the TREND, not the day to day changes. If we want to make sure the trend is going in the right direction we have to do the right things each day to make that happen. We won't be perfect at them, certainly not at first; but that doesn't mean we don't keep at it. Keeping with our weight loss example, what are the daily things that we can track that will give us progress towards our target weight? First we need to break down what it takes to lose weight. Broadly speaking this means we burn more calories than we consume. We exercise more and we eat less. More than what and less than what? Second what are the things we can do to make those happen? For exercise, it should be simple. If you don't have a gym membership or any equipment at home, then the easiest thing to do is walk. Walk 30 minutes a day. Or if 30 is too much at first, walk 10 or 5 minutes. Then do it again the next day and the next. Almost everyone can do this. What about eating less? This one is harder, because we have to eat to live. Food is a necessity, but it should't be an addiction. Decide what meals you'll eat each day. In this example let's decide on a moderate breakfast to start off the day refueled and ready. Then a light lunch and a moderate dinner. We should define what moderate and light mean. This includes portion sizes and calories. We should also make a list of foods we should eat and foods we should avoid. What else can we do? There are certain habits we should develop to go with exercising more and eating less. Getting up early, at the same time each day of the week, is essential. You can't have breakfast if you don't give yourself time to make and eat it before work. You can't exercise in the morning if that's your preferred time. You can't take time to review your day's tasks and appointments. All of these things are essential to a successful day, and you can't do them if you get up 20 minutes before you have to leave the house. Third, and possibly the most important factor in your progress, is to create a tracker of some kind. Even a sheet of paper with handwritten lists of the things you want to do and seven boxes for the days of the week will do. Get up at 6am. Exercise. Shower and dress. Make/eat a good breakfast. Review goals and your schedule. Types of foods and quantities eaten. Amount of water drank. Figure out the most important things to track. Pick three actions and track those for two weeks. Add one or two actions to track every two or three weeks until you're doing and tracking all the things necessary to lose weight. This will let you see progress each day as you check off each item or record the amounts. It builds a sense of Success, and you build momentum. On a weekly basis you can check in on the Goal that's driving this. Weigh in on the same day at the same time each week and record that. Don't worry about the number for a bit. Your daily actions will take care of that for you. Setting good goals is essential to your success. Everyone thinks they know how to set goals, but sometimes we don't know or remember some things. Visit http://5things.Success-Maniacs.com/ for a free report called 5 Things About Goal Setting You Need to Know Right Now. Tim Johnson is a life-long student of self-development and leadership material. He's on a mission to teach as many people as he can to be successful in a moral and ethical way, consistent with their values, that can create positive change in themselves and everyone they meet. By W Timothy Johnson Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/W_Timothy_Johnson/1572563

Monday 22 April 2019

How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals | Stephen Duneier | TEDx

How Do I Commit TOTALLY to My Goals?

Commitment is one of the scariest words in any language. It has so much meaning, possibility, opportunity and responsibility wrapped up in those three little syllables. When we commit to something, we make a promise at least to ourselves and often to others. These promises are show that we are serious, driven and all in. We're giving 100% and holding nothing back. Too often though we act as if it's a donation. We treat what should be a serious, consuming desire as if we're dropping some coins in the Salvation Army bucket at Christmas time. Don't understand why I'm making this point and distinction? Consider the old story about the hen and the pig. Hen and Pig were talking about the farmer. They really loved the farmer because he took such good care of them. So Hen suggested they do something nice for the farmer. "How about we make him a breakfast of ham and eggs, Pig?" Pig pauses and looks at Hen. "Well, I don't know Hen. For you that's a donation. For me that's a lifetime commitment!" That's how we need to treat our Goals. They need to be lifetime commitments, not donations. Lifetime commitments drive us. They shape our thoughts. They focus our efforts and attention like nothing else. In many ways, though not all, Goals are like marriage. Both require a total commitment that permeates our entire being. They both require us to reshape our thoughts and actions so serve them. Note well though. While your marriage should be more important than your Goals, your Goals should support your marriage. There should be no competition. In marriage we commit totally to the other. We should hold nothing back. We give of ourselves without selfishness or resentment. We do whatever it takes to love our spouse daily. In Goals we commit totally to the outcome. We hold nothing back in our pursuit of that outcome. We give of our time, talent and treasure without selfishness or resentment. We do whatever it takes to achieve those Goals. Before you ask, of course I mean that our Goals have to be ordered to support and reinforce our Values. So "whatever it takes" in marriage and Goals does NOT mean something that violates our Values. Our commitment to our Goals requires a similar relationship as a marriage. We have to be faithful to the Goal. We have to support the Goal. We have to put the Goal before for our selfish desires. Put another way, we have to chase one Goal, or one set of related Goals, only. We have to learn the skills and do the work required to move closer to our Goals. Finally we have to be willing to sacrifice to achieve our Goals. Commitment means giving our Goals the same kind of attention and focus we give to our spouses. That's why commitment to our Goals is so difficult for some people. They either don't realize the level of seriousness Goals require, or they do and just can't make those kinds of promises. Make those promises. Commit. Be the Pig. Setting good goals is essential to your success. Everyone thinks they know how to set goals, but sometimes we don't know or remember some things. Visit http://5things.Success-Maniacs.com/ for a free report called 5 Things About Goal Setting You Need to Know Right Now. Tim Johnson is a life-long student of self-development and leadership material. He's on a mission to teach as many people as he can to be successful in a moral and ethical way, consistent with their values, that can create positive change in themselves and everyone they meet. By W Timothy Johnson Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/W_Timothy_Johnson/1572563

Sunday 21 April 2019

Celebrating Your Success With Rewards

One of the ways we motivate ourselves to achieve our Goals is to give ourselves rewards for Success along the way. When we reach a milestone Goal, overcome a particularly difficult obstacle or finish the work of achieving the Goal itself, it's a great idea to build in a reward for these achievements. Why do that? Isn't the Goal itself the reward? Isn't the journey the important thing, not the destination? You can certainly view things that way. Those are all true in part or as a whole, but they don't always keep us motivated. Achieving all the Goals we put into our Vision Statement is going to be a long process. Some Goals come more quickly than others. Some just take a really long time to fully complete. It's natural to get discouraged, especially when that achievement of the Goal is in the far future. To stay motivated and to stay on track to build the Success your Vision represents, it's just a good idea to have some small reward along the way. These rewards should be for a true Success, not just because you feel the need to treat yourself. For the motivation to truly work, the reward must be tied to the actual achievement of some step, process or milestone along the way. Just treating yourself because you feel like it is going to have the opposite effect. If I really want to buy something, but it's not a necessity, that would be a good reward. We don't reward ourselves with the things we need or would be doing or getting anyway. For instance, if I really want to get a new smartwatch, that's not a necessity. It would be a really nice tool to help me keep on track with my weight loss Goals though. I can tie the purchase of the watch to some milestone Goal in my plan. If I get up early and exercise every day for a month, that would be a great Success in itself. That would worthy of a reward, especially one that would help me keep going towards my ultimate weight Goal. Not all rewards have to be tied to the larger Goal you've set, or even any of our Goals. They do have to support or at least not work against those Goals. If I'm going to lose 80 pounds, I shouldn't make a trip to Dairy Queen one of my rewards. That's counter-productive physically and mentally. Physically it adds hundreds of unnecessary, bad calories and sugars to my body. How much more do you have to exercise to work off a large Salted Caramel Truffle Blizzard anyway? Mentally it tells you that your diet and exercise is all so you can eat things you shouldn't eat anyway, at least not when you're working to lose weight anyway. Neither one of these is a good thing. Rewards can be a great motivator when used correctly, and not too often. If we get a reward for every little thing, then it's harder to tie it to the Goal itself. The rewards seem more like a regular part of life. Plan for them. Tie them to your Goals. Make them productive, or at least not counter-productive. You'll have that much more to look forward to on your Success Journey. Setting good goals is essential to your success. Everyone thinks they know how to set goals, but sometimes we don't know or remember some things. Visit http://5things.Success-Maniacs.com/ for a free report called 5 Things About Goal Setting You Need to Know Right Now. Tim Johnson is a life-long student of self-development and leadership material. He's on a mission to teach as many people as he can to be successful in a moral and ethical way, consistent with their values, that can create positive change in themselves and everyone they meet. By W Timothy Johnson Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/W_Timothy_Johnson/1572563

Saturday 20 April 2019

How to Boost Your Self-Esteem When You're Having a Bad Day

What is it about a bad day that can take the wind out of your sails and make you feel so drained? Your mindset controls your moods and hence your level of energy. How a bad day is labeled as 'bad' - is completely due to your internal language. Bad days often begin with things happening that were not expected (for instance, missing a train, breaking a bag, misplacing keys) and these things can create a mindset that things are not going to go well today. As you focus on all the things that begin to go wrong, your level of agitation and frustration rises and this drains your energy. In addition your internal language becomes more negative and self critical - which can result in further energy depletion and even depression. Some of the common symptoms after a bad day Do you ever feel drained, hopeless, or unmotivated? One of the common emotional responses to a bad day are feelings of hopelessness. One of the most common thoughts are that nothing is going to go right. Poor motivation then sets in because you feel you have been kicked whilst trying to get up and hence self protection sets in - to avoid further disappointment. Someone with a higher self-esteem will see the bad day for what it is - just a bad day where things didn't go their way. However, with less resilience many people start to feel defeated as a result of a negative series of events and subsequently need something good to occur to shake them out of their negative mindset. An example of this might be, that whilst travelling on the train that was running late, a little toddler begins to laugh so loudly, you can't help but start laughing too. So what are your fun and helpful tips you could use to rebound after a bad day? One of the easiest and most simple things you can do to shake off your bad mood, is to try to find the ridiculous humour in the day. Find ways to laugh at how crazy the series of events have been and try to find the funny side if possible. If the day has been particularly bad, remind yourself that every day offers the opportunity for a new beginning. Remember to focus on what went right today. It's often easy to see things through a negative filter and to assume nothing went right. However, this is rarely accurate. By putting the day into perspective and reminding yourself that you can always make things better, you can let the bad day go and start fresh tomorrow. The key is to regain control of your thinking patterns, so that you feel hopeful and in control on your day ahead once more. To find out how you can reduce anxiety and boost your self-esteem and self-confidence visit: https://howtobehappy.lpages.co/how-to-build-self-confidence By Lizzie O'Halloran Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Lizzie_O'Halloran/1209055

Powerful: Confidence Spoken Affirmations with binaural tones for Healthy Self-esteem

Friday 19 April 2019


Set Your Boundaries: Learn to Say "No"

As a child, I was deeply influenced by the story of Cinderella and whenever somebody in the family asked who your favorite is, I would proudly announce her name. I wanted to wear dress like Cinderella and wanted to have fairy as a friend. When somebody asked why I like her so much, I would say because she is beautiful, truthful and kind. She always helps others and does good things to even those who are bad. She never says "No". As children, we learned that saying no was impolite or inappropriate. We grow up watching movies or family examples where elders talk in front of us that people who say no are bad. Often "kindness" is associated with saying "yes" but in reality these are two different things. According to psychologist Dr Susan Newman, author of "The Book of No" the problem is more in women than men. In the words of Dr. Newman, "Women have been raised to be care givers and nurturers, and which is why the problem is more prevalent for women than men", however in my opinion the problem is not gender specific and it exists both in men and women. For some people this becomes a habit, or even an addiction. In order to understand this little better let me tell you the reasons that makes a person always say yes- For Love- It is proven fact that human beings are emotional and we all want love and affection. This is one of the most significant reasons that lead some of us to say yes because we think saying No will draw people apart from us and we will not be loved as much. Fear of being rejected- We all want to be loved and hate being rejected. The idea of rejection is painful and sometimes just out of doubt, some of us say yes in spite of the fact that we want to say no in our heart. For showing kindness- We all have seen this in the movies that good people are always kind and giving, and bad people are always unkind.They always say no to everyone. Saying No is often associated with rudeness and hence we choose to be kind instead of being rude. For uncertainty of future- We often take wrong jobs and stay with people who take us for granted just because we develop a comfort zone around those familiar people and jobs. As humans, we sense danger in the unknown areas and therefore keep giving ourselves false excuses; to stay in those wrong jobs and with wrong people and keep saying yes to the things that make us unhappy. Cultural pressure- As children we are always taught to be kind and say yes to everyone especially to elders and people in authoritative positions such as teachers. Hence, some of us as adults, find it difficult to say no to older people and to the managers at work place. The cycle that starts in our childhood keeps going and we are trapped to the extent that we start feeling guilty whenever we say no to people. In most of the cases it's just an over hyped scenario that we build in our minds. In some other cases however, things get weird after people, who are habitual of listening yes from us suddenly start getting no. They start feeling that we have turned arrogant and some even feel betrayed. Sometimes we end up feeling lonely because of the sudden troubles we face in our close relationships. The same thing happens in the workplace where our colleagues and managers don't expect us to say no. In spite of all these impacts, in my opinion saying no is much better than saying yes for most of the things because of the following reasons- It gives you the opportunity to be true to yourself- Saying No to things that makes you unhappy saves your time and energy for doing other productive stuffs. It gives you the time to be genuinely involved in the things that you truly enjoy doing. Good for mental health- There's nothing worse than saying yes for something you don't want to do. From my personal experience, it brings a lot of frustration and unnecessary stress. Saying No without feeling guilty will help you feel relaxed and you can perform your routine with increased focus and positive energy. It gives you the confidence to demand what you think you deserve- Learning to say No gives boost to your confidence level and helps you to demand for the things you actually deserve, whether it's respect in personal relationships, higher pay or increased responsibilities at work. It helps you know who your true well wishers are- People who stick to you just for getting favor of some kind will not stay with you once they learn that you are capable of saying No to them. Hence, it's also a good technique to understand who all your real wishers are. Saying No is very difficult for people who have the habit of saying yes. Some tips derived from my personal experiences to tackle this issue- Understand that saying no doesn't makes you a bad person- As adults, it is our choice whether to say yes or no for something. Letting go off the childhood preaching and saying no with confidence doesn't makes you a bad person. Take time before you say yes- Every time someone asks you to do something, don't say yes right away, instead take time (a day or two), and think whether or not you actually want to do it. After contemplating, politely accept or refuse the request. Remember that your self-worth doesn't depend on what others think of you- Your self-worth is what you recognize and it should not be subject to opinion of others. You don't need to please everyone you know. Realize that you are better than that and certainly worth much more. It's a good thing to be considerate, helping and generous. A person can be kind and at the same time set his/her boundaries. It's important not to lose ourselves and our self-respect on the way to being compassionate and saying yes. In the words of Paulo Coelho, "When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself" and in the words of Tony Blair "The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes". By Rachana Gupta Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Rachana_Gupta/2477769

Thursday 18 April 2019

Meet Yourself: A User's Guide to Building Self-Esteem: Niko Everett at TEDxYouth@BommerCanyon

How You See Yourself Means Everything

Indeed, how you see yourself means everything since it is impossible to know how another person is going to feel, think or even look at you. When you realize it, you can then focus on the only sure thing in your life that you can control, and that is how you think, perceive and feel about yourself. What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you speak to yourself? If yes, what do you say? Are you thinking about yourself negatively or positively? Do you take action or are you pushing things until a later time? Whatever you do, you have to understand that you cannot control how others feel about you. It is hopeless to think that everyone would like you. There will always be people who will mistreat you, judge you, criticize you, or spread lies about you while others will support you, love you, speak kindly of you or be your greatest fan. What is more important is how you see yourself. You have to be proud of who you are, and not be worrying about what someone else thinks of you. Why should you spend years trying to please other people, or wanting them to see the good in you? It is a waste of time. Just realize that you are good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, kind enough, or successful enough. You need to believe in yourself. How You See Yourself Is Believing At first, there are always people out there who will be haters. It does not matter the good that you do for yourself or this world. So do not let those individuals undermine how you see yourself because it can destroy you. Instead, use their ignorance and dislike as a drive to push forward. On the other hand, you might not believe in yourself or your abilities. You may even feel sad or discouraged. Well, don't! Get up and look at yourself in the mirror and observe the person that is staring back at you. Realize that to believe in yourself; you have to love yourself first. Do you know someone who is an incredible person, talented, beautiful, intelligent, but they do not see it? No matter what you tell them, they do not believe you or themselves. It may be you, right now, facing that mirror. You must know that how you see yourself is crucial, much more than how others see you. It determines the results in your life long before you even get to them. See Yourself by Imagining At the end of each year, people often come up with some New Year's resolutions and goals to change some things in their life. But even if they always begin with the greatest intentions, most never follow through. In my experience, anyone who ever decided to do something once a year never got very far. You may have huge goals in mind, but what often happens is that you get the strange tendency to underestimate your capacity and you see yourself not being able to achieve what you want. Therefore, the thoughts you have about yourself is what is stopping you from taking action and doing what is necessary. If, however, you decide to see yourself as someone who can learn new things and can imagine all of the things you can accomplish, then your conviction will directly support what your desires are. See Yourself Letting Go So, you have to realize that you need to let entirely go of caring or worrying about what anyone else thinks about you. Instead, start aiming solely at how you should feel about yourself. And block out other's opinions of you and focus all your attention on being the person you want you to see yourself to be. When you forget about seeking other people's approval, you begin to live your life focused on doing the best you can each day. You no longer need to compete with anyone else but yourself. Remember, no one is perfect. All of us make mistakes. We have to learn from them and move forward determined not to make the same mistake again. You have to make the most of your gifts, talents, and potential. And never compare yourself with other people's skills. See Yourself Being Confident As you start to let go and switch how you see yourself, your confidence grows. Then your talents and abilities blossom in ways you never thought possible. And your life is suddenly full of blessings beyond measure in every facet of your life. So the only opinion that you need to focus on is yours. As a result, it makes you happier, more success comes your way, and you enjoy a better life. You have to believe and see yourself capable of what you feel is right for you and stick to it. Life is not about waiting to feel good. It is about having confidence in yourself, fully living in the present moment, and appreciating who you are. Therefore, ignore people who drag others down into a state of misery with them. Those people are insecure and feel like they are not good enough and that it is why you have to avoid them. If you see yourself prosperous, you will be. But if you see yourself unsuccessful, that precisely is what you will be. Your Thoughts Create Your Reality You become what you think. So, your thoughts are things, and they continuously create your reality. Whatever you think about increases, expands and multiply in your life, so that is why it does not matter what others think about you. It is what you think about yourself that matters. Therefore, let me encourage you to carefully consider believing in yourself and celebrate the abilities and qualities you have. Make the way in which you see yourself your main concern because it is indeed the source from which all your choices, decisions, actions and results are based. And it makes all the difference in the world. Remember that you can be anything you want if you just focus on doing your best. How others see you is not important. But how you see yourself means everything. So stay true to yourself and never be afraid of doing what feels right to you. Decide, believe and stick to it. Sergei VanBellinghen, Personal Growth & Success Expert, Founder of First-Class Lifestyle & SergeiVanBellinghen.com I help and teach people how to get a fresh start and have a brand-new style of living after a divorce, loss or if single. I do this by using self-development techniques to help you grow, succeed and have a better life. Remember, it's not just about growing but also about ending the routine. It's about the lifestyle of working less, living more and enjoying life! Find Out How! Visit my Website [http://sergeivanbellinghen.com] and come to discover how I can afford to stay home and travel anywhere I want. By Sergei VanBellinghen Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sergei_VanBellinghen/2425572

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Tony Robbins - How To Create MASSIVE CONFIDENCE

I Thought I Just Lacked Confidence

When I was younger, I often found it hard to behave how I wanted to behave, and I was often described as being 'shy'. This was something my mother would say, and there were moments when other people would say the same thing. During this time in my life, my emotions were frequently out of control and I didn't know what to do. I didn't realise this at the time, though, as I would just end up feeling overwhelmed; I didn't really know what emotions were at this stage of my life. Conflict But even though I was seen in this way and I had all this stuff going on within me, I wasn't willing to accept this description. So, while I didn't know what was going on, I did know that this wasn't a reflection of who I really was. There were plenty of people around at this time who were happy to label me, but there were very few people who were willing to take the time to understand me. In a way, it was as though there was part of me that was strong and confident, and this part was being overshadowed by the part of me that wasn't. As The Years Went By A few years after I finished school, I started to look into psychology and to see if I could find anything that would help me. At this point in my life, I believed that if I could increase my confidence everything would be fine. I started reading books on self-development, and this had a positive effect on my behaviour, at least in the short-term. This was a time when I focused on my thoughts and behaviour, and I used affirmations and positive thinking. The Same Outlook I came to see my emotions as the problem, and believed that I needed to get rid of them. The techniques that I picked up in these books were then a way for me to keep my emotions at bay. The way I treated my emotions was then very similar to how my parents treated this part of me when I was younger. Due to their own inability to deal with their own emotions, they were unable to show me how to deal with mine, and this meant that I also tried to suppress my emotions. Self-Development Bypassing I soon realised that these techniques and tools were not cutting it; if anything, they were just a way for me to avoid my feelings. I thought that I was making progress; when in reality, I was simply avoiding myself. Ultimately, I wasn't ready to face what was going on within me, and I was supplied with a number of ways to avoid myself through reading these books. This was also a time in my life when I believed that it was all about adding things, as opposed to taking things away. Another Distraction Thus, although I thought that I was 'developing' myself, I had simply found a way to decorate the false-self that I had created. I was then still living on the surface of myself, but I could tell myself that I was making progress. It wouldn't be right to say that this was all a waste of time, as this allowed me to gradually see what I needed to do. A number of years after this, I came to see that it wasn't that I just lacked confidence; it was far more severe than that. Trauma The reason I lacked confidence and my emotions were out of control, came down to the fact that I was abused and neglected as a child. Saying affirmations, thinking positive, and changing my behaviour, for instance, was not what I needed. I didn't need to add anything; I needed to face what was within me and to work through the layers of pain. Taking this approach was painful in the short-term, but it allowed me to settle down over time and to connect to my true-self. Prolific writer, author, and coach, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over one thousand six hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice. By Oliver JR Cooper Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Oliver_JR_Cooper/818466

Tuesday 16 April 2019

7 Psychology Tricks to Build Unstoppable Confidence

Can Self Esteem Be Taught?

Of course it can, in fact we have all, as a society been taught to believe self esteem is even a thing. Prior to 1980 most people hadn't even heard of self esteem. The first use of the term can be traced back to 1890 but even then the concept of self esteem didn't really even become an accepted as a psychological concept until the late 1960's. This came about as the rise in consumerism and consumption started to put the individual at the centre of his or her destiny. A major influence on the self esteem movement was Nathaniel Brandon who is often credited as the father of the self esteem movement. So if you're having self esteem issues as you might like to call them, you can blame him. This was affected by enlightened self interest and radical individualism espoused by An Rand. Whilst Branden's views may not be what they once were, he is widely credited with opening the door of self esteem to popular culture. This occurred sometime around the late 80's as self esteem began to move from the world of academia into the public consciousness. Helped along by political types, a member of the California State Assembly even claiming low self esteem is the cause of drug abuse, teenage pregnancy and even school underachievement. Seeing boosting self esteem as a form of social vaccine. All this despite no evidence and many studies showing evidence to the contrary. Unlike many fads that come and go, self esteem has hung in there and become part of the social fabric and popular culture of the western world. These unsubstantiated and erroneous beliefs about self esteem became part of the teachings about how we should view ourselves. So effectively much of our society has been taught to believe in self esteem. It has become reality based on collective belief and wish instead of evidence or fact. What can you do? Refuse to rate the self, start by accepting yourself because you can breathe, and start to notice when you are trying to rate your entirety. When things go well try being happy stop yourself at that point if your habit is to start making sweeping generalisations about yourself as a result. When things don't go well its OK to be unhappy, but rating yourself because of it is not only unhelpful, it's also incredibly inaccurate. Learning to accept yourself unconditionally is the best place to be. Till next month. Visit http://www.Howselfesteemworks.com to learn why self esteem is holding you back and what to do about it. For too long we have been taught that high self esteem is the solution to all of our, and most of societies problems. Nothing could further than the truth. Free mini ecourse shows you how and answers your questions about this debilitating social problem. Finally a website telling the truth about what we are led to believe is a good thing. By Craig Ball Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Craig_Ball/2481933

Monday 15 April 2019

The skill of self confidence

10 Ways to Boost Self Esteem

There are many ways to boost self esteem. Self esteem is the positive or negative attitude one feels about themselves. Portraying yourself to be a certain way in your mind will eventually lead to disappointment. Here are ten ways that helps to boost your self esteem. 1. Avoid Negative People Don't let people's negative perception of you lead you to start believing those negative thoughts of yours. When it comes to self esteem, your opinion is the only one that matters. Avoid people that treat you badly for this will start to make you feel bad towards yourself. Surrounding yourself around negative people will only make you act negatively. 2. Stop Trying to Please Everyone You can't please everyone so don't try. Trying to please everyone will have you feeling unappreciated if you don't get that same treatment in return. Even though you should treat others how you want to be treated, you won't always get that same treatment in return. Not getting the same treatment in return is not a reflection of you, but them. Everyone's intention won't be the same as yours. Pleasing everyone is stressful. Don't rely on others to determine your self worth because of rejection. Don't expect things to always come out the way you expect it to. Be the unique person that you are. You don't need to seek validation from anyone. Never let the thoughts and feelings of not being able to help others affect you mentally, physically, and emotionally. 3. Occupy Yourself Don't spend time thinking about something that makes you sad or insecure. Do the things you love to do to occupy your mind. If you are busy doing things you love to do, you're not going to have the time to dwell on negativity. 4. Get Support It's OK to get the support you need when struggling with low self esteem. You don't have to do it alone. Having a good support system makes believing in yourself a lot easier. Communicating how you really feel shows that you are in tune with negative thoughts and really want the help. Being more open allows you to express all your feelings that you have been holding inside. 5. Forgive You have to be able to forgive. Holding onto feelings of resentment will keep you in a state of negativity. Once you forgive yourself, you will be able to start to forgive others. Sometimes you have to change your perspective to see other's point of view. The past is the past and you can't change it so don't live with regrets. Having that sense of forgiveness is a relief lifted off your shoulders. 6. Be Confident Never feel like you are ever worthless. Have confidence on both the inside and out. Encourage yourself and treat yourself with kindness. The more you practice treating yourself genuinely, self confidence will rise. No one can see your insecurities and lack of confidence unless you show and tell them. Having strong self esteem results from day to day activities and how you control the bad thoughts. As you focus more on the present instead of what should have, could have and would have, confidence will come easily. Are these thoughts factual? Do you really believe the things you think about yourself? Would you say those things about yourself to someone else? If you wouldn't, then avoid saying them to yourself. Being hard on yourself while having low self esteem will lead to depression. 7. Don't Compare yourself to others Comparing yourself to others can make you feel as if you're not worth it. Just because you feel someone has more than you, or is doing better than you in any type of way brings you down. There is no such thing as a life that's better than yours. Your insecurities shouldn't be a reflection on any and everything that someone says. Don't be so hard on yourself if things don't go exactly as you want them to. Know your own personal value. 8. Surround yourself around positive Surround yourself around people who loves, cares, and accepts you just for who you are. It helps when family and friends remind you of things that you do right. If you expect to be treated a certain way, surround yourself around those people. Treat those who treat you negatively how to treat you. People see you differently than you see yourself. Openly accept the sayings of the ones who treat you good. This helps you view yourself in a different way other than how you view yourself. Hearing what people like about you instead of what they don't like about you puts your mind at ease. Treat others with kindness and the kindness will be returned. Being appreciated makes you feel better about yourself. 9. Make a list Make a list of things you feel proud of. Celebrate your accomplishments. No matter how big or small, it's always a job well done. When you feel your self esteem is not high, look at the list to remind yourself of your success. 10. Turn negative thoughts to positivity Negative talk can cause you to respond negatively. Emotions run high when there is negative talk around. Instead of feeling overwhelmed from negative thoughts, accept them. Don't allow negative thoughts to influence your behavior. When you feel bad, you will only remember bad times. As you continue to think about things that upset you, it will cause you to act in such a way that's not appropriate. The way you feel has a major impact on thoughts and behavior. Your self esteem will began to improve as you learn to control negative thoughts. If you can't control your thoughts, you will never be able to control your behavior. Learn from past failures and turn it into positives. Being aware of your thoughts and feelings uncovers the real issue. Just because you see yourself to be a certain way. Thoughts are just thoughts; not necessarily to be factual. Thoughts are normal and may seem factual, but they are just perceptions of the way things should be. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Taylor_Chi/2473509

Sunday 14 April 2019

How to Build Self Confidence

How To Be Confident in Daily Life

How To Be Confident in Daily Life Why could it happen? Why are people still confused growing their self-confidence? These matters happen because there are some feelings in themselves such as afraid, nervous, and also worried about the failure. These cases are obvious in our daily life. For example, when a person faced an interview for a new job, they will be afraid and nervous to answer all the questions given by the interviewers. Maybe some of them has already prepared everything before doing the interview but they will suddenly lose their confidence. It must be solved because if the person does not find the way to lose their frightened, they will not be able to develop their capabilities in social life. So how to be confident and able to face people in all situation? Is there any way to build the confidence in ourselves? Absolutely Yes. Do you know that the mental is a form of the strong personality in a person to show all abilities they have? The mental in human itself has all elements of soul include emotions, minds, attitudes, feelings and all action even habit they have. When a human has a strong and good mentality, they will have a good quality of life and the sense of confidence will grow naturally in themselves. To grow the confidence, people should train their mentality to face this life in any situations. Here are several ways to be confident such as: Learn and recognize what makes you feel uncomfortable. Confidence will grow if a person could recognize what makes the person feel uncomfortable in facing people or a social situation. Do you believe that you can throw the uncomfortable feelings away from yourself? This is a fact, you can lose it by growing the positive mind that you can be brave in facing this life. Time by time, you will be confident in doing activities because of the comfortable feel. Be yourself: This is the important thing you have to do. Do not try to be another person when you will do activities in your life. The thing you must do is only being yourself. It will make you feel that you can do better than before also you can be confident in do the new things. Identify your skills and abilities: The confidence will grow when people have the skills as the job he does. So, if you want to do something then you should learn about the job you will do first. Is that suit your ability and skill? Can you do it well? Those are the thing you should learn and prepare. Never do the things that are not suited to the skill you have because you will not be able to face it if you do not learn about it before. Do not be afraid to do all the difficult things: It is kind of challenge in your life that you must be brave to do. Difficult things will be easier if you do it regularly. In the first, it looked scary and make yourself feel nervous, but you will know the nice thing about doing difficult work if you try it by heart. Take every opportunity in front of you. You will get your passion if you can take opportunities that are given to you. It will be the way to be confident because you try the new things to learn also do your best effort of the opportunity you get. Joining the various activities in social organizations: If you are a student at school or university, it is the big chance to develop your ability by active in some communities. The people who already faced the work life do not mean cannot join some organization. There many social activities in your living environment. Learning about how to be confident is not difficult as you think if you prepare it well by organizing all the situation before you do activities in front of the people. So, there will be no reason to avoid being active in your life. Don Lego is an author on some websites. He writes articles in various categories. To get more information on self-improvements, visit his works on Howtoklass.com website. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Don_Lego/2058071

Sunday 7 April 2019

Jim Rohn - 10 Steps to Achieving Anything You Want (Jim Rohn Personal Development)

What Are You Valuing?

How is your latest and greatest smartphone doing? Did you look at dozens upon dozens of cases looking for just the prefect one that fits your style yet protects that little investment of yours? Did you take the time to learn about all the greatest new apps? What would you do if you forgot your phone at home and you were half way to your destination? Would you go back for it? What did you have for lunch today? Did you skip breakfast? What size was that frappe thing? What about your workouts, did you get those in? Am I drilling in my point yet? You see we take care of what we value and for most of us it is our phones first and foremost, but for you it may be your car, or a special purchase that you saved up months for. You need to value your health as you would value your smartphone or whatever it may be. It is the most precious gift you have and you only get one, so unlike the smartphone if you break it- it's broke... You cannot exchange it. So why are you treating the phone better than you do your own body? You know why? Because you don't value yourself. This is where it all comes down to. You have to love yourself enough to make the things you need to do become a priority. Your health should be your top priority, because no one else can do it for you. Be a healthy role model for your kids, nieces, nephews, friends, or whoever it may be. Children see how you take care of yourself and if you value yourself. They hear how you talk to yourself when you look in the mirror after trying on an outfit that may be fitting just a little too tight. Children learn their own value from what they see and hear you do. So if for any other reason, value yourself for them. Put away the excuses of why you can't because as a trainer, trust me I have heard them all and instead give me a list of reasons how you can. I don't care what is going on in your life I bet I can still find a way that you can eat healthy, sleep, workout, and still manage everything else on your list. Be honest with yourself, as busy as you are I bet you could find free time for something you really wanted to do. A healthy lifestyle isn't a short term fix just to get to a destination. It is a long term, part of daily life, something you do until the very end so you might want to start scheduling it in now. So let's start making it a priority in life. Start valuing yourself and get moving towards a healthy direction by putting yourself first. Julie Wilcoxson is a personal trainer, business owner, author, wife, and mother. She believes in motivating women to value their self and to believe they are enough. She loves to write through personal experiences to reach to her readers. Article Source: EzineArticles.com/expert/Julie_Wilcoxson/217555

Saturday 6 April 2019

Dr. Myles Munroe | Les Brown gives life changing message to increase your value

Do You Need More in Your Life?

Have you reached a point where you need more in your life? You've achieved much of your master plan, accommodated detours, coped when unexpected things cropped up. All those goals and dreams that were once so important; have come to fruition and you're now feeling ready for something new. In fact, you may have started to realise that the last few years have been spent in cruise-control, comfortably meandering along. Maybe your children have left home, your business runs itself, you've more free time, less overheads and there are no tangible challenges or goals to continue to inspire or motivate you. You may have started to notice in some family members and friends that they're becoming increasingly disillusioned with themselves and their lives. They may even seem bitter or antagonistic towards those friends who continue to be energetic and dynamic, who've introduced more into their days over time. Seeing friends who value working, who enjoy new interests and challenges, setting themselves testing new projects can sometimes cause resentment, envy, jealousy and even prompt sarcastic comments regarding how much they do. Comments like, 'at their age, their time of life why do they bother, what do they hope to achieve, why not sit back now and take it easy?' may be heard. But watching busy, energetic friends can also inspire us to want more out of life. It can motivate us to make an effort to see the benefits in having a go. We can be reminded that nothing ever stays the same. We could use this as an opportunity to reassess our own lives, especially if we find ourselves saying, 'Is this it? I need more in my life'. At a time like this it's great to mix with people who are demonstrating what's possible and can introduce us to a new awareness of our potential. Remember though, that when we do compare our lives to other people's many aspects may be very different. We all have our own story. What provides motivation and purpose for one may not work for another, or even be relevant. We need to nurture our own goals, find ones which sustain and fulfill us on our way. Equally it's important not to be too reliant on others to keep us on track. We each have our own lessons, learnings and insights to make. Yes, others may be able to offer support but they're not going to be as heavily invested in our life and success as we are. Expecting others to provide ongoing interest, encouragement or monitoring may ultimately result in frustration, resentment and even the development of a possessive, co-dependent relationship. When you need more in your life it can be good to first take time to explore and try out new opportunities to see what best suits you. Maybe offer to help a friend, local business or charity. Volunteer and see what's involved. Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to get used to the new demands, routine and discipline, to become familiar with the skills required; then you can discover how you feel about making it more permanent. Taking on more commitments doesn't mean overwhelming yourself though. Pace yourself and enjoy this new stage of life. Pre-determine the amount of time you can realistically afford to invest but also accept that once you make a commitment other people may come to rely on your regular input and involvement. And don't forget that the longer you stay in your comfort zone the smaller it becomes. When you decide you need more in your life be enthusiastic about regularly scaring yourself a little with new adventures. It's a great way to remind yourself that you're still alive! Susan Leigh, counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support. She's author of 3 books, 'Dealing with Stress, Managing its Impact', '101 Days of Inspiration #tipoftheday' and 'Dealing with Death, Coping with the Pain', all on Amazon & with easy to read sections, tips and ideas to help you feel more positive about your life. To order a copy or for more information, help and free articles visit www.lifestyletherapy.net Article Source: EzineArticles.com/expert/Susan_Leigh/399535

Friday 5 April 2019

How to Master Your Thinking-Patterns and Habits for Self-Development

How Will You Become, The BEST, You Can Be?

Every year, millions of people, go through the effort of making, New Year's resolutions, which, most, believe, and, certainly, hope, bring them, their best year, ever! However, while quality goals and aspirations, are, certainly, worthwhile and beneficial, unless/ until, these are accompanied, with/ by. a focus and action plan, to achieve one's objectives. Have you ever wondered, how, you, might become, the BEST, you can possibly, be? With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, review, examine, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, a few practical approaches, to achieving the ability to make yourself, better. 1. Beliefs; behavior; benefits; better; bring it: Begin by carefully, examining, your personal beliefs, and reasons, you behave, as you do, and when you are benefiting yourself, by the way you act, and when your behavior, might be, your own, worst enemy! You won't be able, to become the best, you can be, unless, you commit to baby steps, and focusing on becoming, better, in an incremental, consistent way! Don't sit back on your laurels, and pat yourself, on the back, but only, accept, your best, and demanding, you, bring it, every day, in every way, etc. 2. Empathy; emphasis; energy; energize; enrich; endurance; excellence: You don't live in a vacuum, so consider, how your behavior and action, impacts, those around you. Be considerate, and always, effectively, listen and learn, from every conversation and experience, in order to proceed, with the utmost degree of genuine empathy. How one places his emphasis, often, determines, the effectiveness and quality of his results! Will you have the level of personal energy, to energize others, and enrich, all around you, by your ideas, leadership, goals, aspirations, and actions? Remember, there are often, obstacles along the path of one's life, so, never give up, or let despair and fear, dominate your actions and strategies, but, rather, maintain the endurance, and attitude, to proceed, with the utmost commitment to personal excellence, rather than, merely, good - enough! 3. Solutions; system; strengths; stronger: Optimizing your abilities, means, recognizing, and understanding, your personal strengths and weaknesses, and seeking viable solutions, which make you better! One must be ready, willing and able, to create the best system, to utilize his personal strengths, and address any weaknesses. Shouldn't the goal, be, to make yourself, stronger, and better? 4. Timely; true; trends: Which trends, might be most beneficial, for you? Will you commit to, consistently, being true, to yourself, and your best interests, and never procrastinating, by proceeding to take, well - considered, timely actions? Do you want to be the BEST, you can possibly be? Are you truly, up, to the task? Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: plan2lead.net Article Source: EzineArticles.com/expert/Richard_Brody/492539

Thursday 4 April 2019

7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Self Improvement by Stephen Covey

Stop Playing The Blame Game - It Doesn't Work!

Who is to blame for the problems in your life? While it may seem inside of our minds that someone else is to blame for our misfortunes or heartaches, playing the blame game truly doesn't work. It may feel like maybe your poor self-esteem or poor self-image have come from living with abusive parents, family or even an abusive partner. This is a perfectly rational thought, right? Think about this deeply for a moment. Is blaming others working for you in your life right now? Does it help you to fix the pain of your poor self-esteem or negative thoughts? Truly, your outside world is a reflection of the world inside of you. If you allow others to be responsible for your negative thoughts or painful feelings, you are giving them your power. You essentially are squashing your own personal power and growth, and ultimately keeping yourself completely stuck in negative feelings or thought patterns. I'm not saying that you weren't possibly mistreated. And your feelings of being mistreated are very valid and they are your feelings to have. But understand that in this world, the only person you can control is yourself. In order to make a lasting change in your life, you need to change you. Changing the people you surround yourself with in your life, changing your thoughts, changing your actions and most importantly, changing your reactions to people or situations puts the power back in your hands. Forgive those who've maybe wronged you and deciding to truly love yourself is the only way to get unstuck from that pain. Remember that forgiveness is not for the person who's hurt you at all. Forgiveness is for you! It's about letting go, and releasing those terrible feelings, thereby freeing you fully and completely. Once you do this, you will no longer be stuck sitting in that pain, and feeling the need to blame others for it. Take responsibility for your life and choose to live in this moment happily and free from the past. This is the way to take back your personal power and truly heal your life. If this is an area you struggle in, reach out to me and I can help you do this. Decide today that your worth it! Nicole Lawler will show you different healing modalities for your mind, body, & spirit. At the end of the day, it's all about loving and healing YOU! LifeHealingEnergy.com Article Source: EzineArticles.com/expert/Nicole_Lawler/733644

Wednesday 3 April 2019

How to Take Charge of Your Life - Jim Rohn Personal Development

Law of Attraction - What You Must Do!

Have you been studying the Law of Attraction and trying to make it work but are not getting results? Then there are a few things you must know and must do. You've probably heard this a million times try it and it doesn't work. Well I've discovered that using the law of attraction is not mystical or difficult. Once you understand a few things that most courses or online gurus don't teach then you should start seeing results very quickly. Understand these and you will master the Law Of Attraction and life will start looking like you know it should. You must know what you are You must commit to change You must decide You must take action. 1. Not knowing about or believing in your spiritual, divine or unseen side makes it unlikely you will ever be the controller of your own life. Know that there is an unseen side or energetic side to you that emits frequencies that attracts what is presently in your energy field. How you act, what you think and what is presently in your life right now is an indicator of what you believe at an unconscious level. Choosing to see things differently will change what shows up in your life. You think all relationships are doomed to failure. Guess what you're right. Think that you will always have to work hard. Guess what you're right. You get to choose what to believe and what to think. This molds the story of your life. 2. You must commit to change. Change has got to be one of the most frightening things we do. But if you want things in your life to change you must change. Change how you think about stuff. Change how you do things. Change a job. Change a relationship. Change is part of life and when we can accept the unknown with interest and curiosity rather than fear life starts to look a little better. Most changes in our life that look scary but once taken usually end up being easier than we thought. We can handle it without our world falling apart. 3. You must decide. One of the biggest setbacks for people following the Law of Attraction is the wish or want game. Once I learned this I couldn't believe it was so simple. Wishing or wanting tells the universe that you don't have it yet. You will always be emitting the frequency of not having it and you will never get it. YOU MUST UNDERSTAND AND PRACTICE THIS OR NOTHING YOU DO WITH THE LAW OF ATTRACTION WILL HELP YOU. Think about what you desire. You must then change your dialogue from that moment on from I want or desire to I HAVE. When you understand how energy frequencies work you will understand that this is the flawless truth. Once you know what you want you must decide that it is yours. 4. The next biggest mistake most people think about the Law of Attraction. That some benevolent being or power is going to bring you something while you sit on the sofa everyday eating chips and root beer. You must state what you have and must be willing to take action as if it is already in place in your life. Don't get me wrong once you state that you have something it must be yours and the universe will send opportunities, people money or whatever it is that will help you achieve your desire. For example I wanted to start a business. I didn't have the right space or any money. But I took the action that I could. I didn't wait for the money or the right space I just stated that what I do now is taking action on my business as if I already had it. So I worked from my basement, placed free ads and within a few days I had clients. I met clients in my living room and felt this is really unprofessional. But the fears and judgements that I held didn't bother my clients. That client base grew and now I have a commercial space. If I had kept thinking I wish I had a business and waited for everything to be perfect I would never have this business that I love. There is nothing you cannot face that will destroy you. Not shame, not guilt, not embarrassment. When you can keep the vision of what you have clearly in your mind and heart without disbelief you will have it. Please give yourself a chance. Sometimes I drift off into the self doubt game but quickly reset my thinking and correct myself. We are humans with this propensity for negative self talk. It happens to the most successful people but they know what it is and can stop themselves from getting into the cycle. Now you know what it is too. From now on love yourself enough to realize you are not less talented than anyone on this planet. You have your own talents so use them. You have everything you desire waiting for you when you know how to command it to you. You are no less lovable than anyone else. Everyone has done something they wish they hadn't done. Laugh it off because it is over and done and in the past. Each day you wake up your life starts over and you get to choose how to live it. Being Self Help is your online resource for books, articles, programs and quotes that help with all issues in life. From wealth to health the first place to start is with your energetic or spiritual self. We already possess everything we desire we just need to learn how to allow it into our lives. [http://www.being-self-help.com] Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Margaret_Z/155740

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality

What Is the Law of Attraction?

There is no definitive answer to this unseen power but the law of attraction has been attributed to many thoughts such as an ancient philosophy, karma, or more specifically, an omnipotent universal force. Some sources liken it to gravity or lets just say it simply exists. The law of attraction responds to what you focus on, feel strongly and think about, which ultimately manifests itself into your reality. The upside is a very positive thing yet negative thoughts can result in quite the opposite. Those who subscribe to the law of attraction claim that it is an inevitable law, like gravity. While, even those who don't acknowledge the law of attraction are participating in it, nonetheless. Before the popularity of the best selling book and DVD, "The Secret", this phenomenon was probably better known as 'cause and effect' but it wasn't as mysterious or interesting as it is now. Good Vibrations A belief behind the law of attraction is the idea that the whole universe gives off certain vibrations. As a part of the universe, you, too, give off vibrations. This is sort of like your personal broadcast, in much the same way a radio transmits sound waves, the law of attraction responds to the vibrations given out by individuals. If you give off positive vibrations, then the law states you will receive positive things in response. To generate these vibrations, sources say you should visualize reaching your goals and dreams. Every day, you think specifically about those things you want to achieve. Between the times that you are thinking so specifically, you need to cultivate an overall positive attitude so that your vibration will always be positive. In other words, you can't make up for 23 hours of negative thinking with one hour of positive visualization. Whilst we all have negative thoughts and not a lot we can do about that, we can enhance the process by creating such things as vision boards, reading inspiring novels or just surrounding ourselves with uplifting and positive people. Like Attracts Like The law of attraction is based on the principle that "like attracts like." This is why a positive outlook is said to affect you positively, while a negative one does quite the reverse. Are you a radiator or a drain? One who exudes warmth or one who drags you down! Probably not the greatest of examples, but I think you get my point. The Subconscious An interesting theory within the law of attraction suggesting the brain cannot distinguish properly between observing an event in real life and one within your own mind. To the brain, so the theory goes, an event is an event. It is perceived as being real, even though it is only a thought process. How powerful is that? This is why the law of attraction can turn your thoughts into reality, good or bad - it taps into the very core of your subconscious. Taking Action As opportunities begin to come your way, the need to act on them must be your goal. After all, it was your thoughts that manifested themselves. You should be able to distinguish these opportunities from any other ordinary event, especially if they are part of any goal that you have set yourself. People who study the law of attraction follow up on any and all opportunities that have anything to do with their goals, and on those that just intuitively "feel right." After all, sometimes you can't tell how relevant something is to your goals until you act upon it. If you enjoyed this article from Stephen Zaba and would like to receive similar informative articles on topics relating to success and well-being, then please visit: www.stephenzaba.com Article Source: EzineArticles.com/expert/Stephen_Zaba/440606

Monday 1 April 2019

5 Body Language Tricks To Make Anyone Instantly Like You

The Thought That Makes Or Breaks Us All

When we see the end, for good or bad, we have it. When we see infinity or not any end, we have that too. Napoleon Bonaparte said one true and honest thing that I agree with: "Imagination rules the world." Also, Martin Luther King said a quote I completely agree with: "You better earn, baby, earn instead of burn, baby, burn." I will explain all contextual realities throughout this article. The easiest thing we can do when reality does not agree with us is to genuinely quit, the hardest thing to do when it does not agree with us is to change approaches within that reality even if the new approach at first really does not agree with us. Indeed, if we really want something, flexibility is a must, flexibility or rigidity is the thought that makes or breaks a goal or even us as beings. When I think of reality, I think of it as something genuinely flexible, not a rigid "this is it and it will never change". After all, where do you think a genuine sense of loss comes from? Rigid thinking. Flexible thinking is where all gain in reality comes from. After all, Henry Ford almost lost a lot of his fortune sticking with the "Model T" for almost too long a time, and it took Henry Ford II to add flexibility to the Ford brand for its genuine survival and competitiveness in the business realm. On another note about cars, flexibility and new ideas were the secret to Walter Percy Chrysler's success in the car business, and later Lido Anthony "Lee" Iacocca had the same flexibility and creativity renewing that very same Walter P. Chrysler company. See my point, that which is too rigid never succeeds. That which is creative and flexible always succeeds. Genuine productive flexibility adds reality shocks in the right places that keeps things going where we want them to go instead of destroying themselves in the opposite directions of where we want them to go. Sure, I can give more of a hint than that, but the thought that makes us is flexibility, and the thought that breaks us is genuine fearful rigidity. Legendary status and greatness comes from creativity and flexibility in the right places. Being clownish comes from rigidity in the wrong places. So, think about this before I end the article: We all love to win, but he who has the character strength to do it completely right, wins right. Anything less really is cheating or losing. I could tell you what I mean by that statement, but read into it what you must to get it. After all, a good article does not do the thinking for you, it makes you productively think about reality, which is my aim anyway! My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Joshua_Clayton/177409