Sunday 31 March 2019


Message From the Universe: Baby Steps to the Journey of a Thousand Miles

By Daniel A Amzallag And just doing a teeny, tiny something today, anything, from wherever you are, is the best way to start something. I'm not just a client, The Universe" The journey of a thousand miles start always with the first step. You can't accomplish anything if you haven't started moving towards your goal. Effort is required and something can be difficult for many who are afraid of making effort. Many do the bare minimum but yet complain that they don't see great results. You reap what you sow and that applies with everything in life. Nothing will come easy as if it did, every body would do it. You need to be different and think outside the box at times, even get out of your comfort zone. Great things will happen when you put in the time and energy to work towards making difficult changes in your life. Believe me, I speak with lots of experience. So where to start this journey you may ask? Well, make sure you write down what you want to accomplish, or create, or achieve. Once you have all of it in paper, determine what is needed to get things done. Always focus on the big picture and do not allow yourself to get intimidated by your dreams, even if they are very scary, in the good way. Face your fears and always come up with better solutions to what you want to do. Baby steps are required to appease the hurdles you will face all through your journey to happiness. Once you mastered crawling, you can start walking and to finally run towards your destination. Be careful though as you may also fall and hurt yourself at times, but this is a part of what we call life. Without failures, you will never learn anything. If you don't learn, you mind will stagnate and nothing will have any meaning. You want to avoid that at all cost. If the path you are in isn't the right one, turn back and find the one that works best for you. Until then, I will see you at the destination. I am sure I will reach my goals. Why don't you? Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach Article Source:

Friday 29 March 2019

NEVER GIVE UP - Motivational Video

How to Stay Positive When You're Unemployed

How to Stay Positive When You're Unemployed

When you're faced with the fear of not being able to support yourself, or potentially your family, it's easy to get caught up in looking at what you don't have: you don't have an income, you don't have quality food, you can't pay the bills and you're drinking lemonade instead of champagne.
It's entirely understandable, but lethal, to focus on what you are without. You'll feel like a failure, which will prevent you from selling yourself as a winner on application forms and in interviews. You can spin this.
A wealth of psychological research shows that gratitude and happiness go hand in hand. Billionaire Oprah Winfrey has famously kept a gratitude journal since she was young. It's a simple, but transformational concept.
At the end of every day, you write down what happened to make you thankful. Did somebody hold a door open for you? Was your bill a little less expensive than you anticipated? Did your child do something beautiful?
No matter how tough your day was, you can always find something to appreciate. In your bleakest moments, you might find yourself simply writing "I am grateful that my sister let me use her shower" or even "I am still alive." It's in those moments that you'll truly understand the value of gratitude.
2) Treat it like it's your job
You're not unemployed. Your job is to get a job. It's probably the worst pay you've ever had, but if you work hard you'll be rewarded with skills in patience, persistence and, eventually, employment.
Imagine your new boss in a sleek suit, shaking your hand firmly and looking down at you. Would that boss be okay with you, pyjama-clad, strolling into the office at 11am, getting comfortable in front of the computer and opening YouTube?
Right now, you are your own boss. That means you have to get to the office at 9am every day. It means you have to work at polishing your CV, get advice from recruitment agencies, apply for jobs, maybe even practise your special skills or read up on how to improve your application forms and interview techniques.
Take an hour for your lunch, if you would do at work. Finish at the same time as you would do at work. Take weekends off.
This not only helps you get into a routine, but it stops you from feeling lazy and helps you keep track of how much effort you are putting into the job hunt.
3) Take breaks
I don't just mean take fifteen minutes to have a cup of tea (although I don't know what a cup of tea can't cure). I mean take a mental break. When you're faced with constant rejection and a lack of feedback, your motivation can plummet. You only have your own voice to listen to and, after a while, it might start saying "You can't do it", "You keep failing", "You're not as good as the other candidates" or worst of all "You'll never get a job."
What would your best friend say if they heard you talking about yourself like that? If they would say, "Your amazing because you keep trying" or "You're getting closer to the goal with each day, each application form and each interview so don't worry", you've chosen a good friend. Catch yourself when you are mentally beating yourself up. Take a break. Breathe. Tell yourself exactly what that good friend would tell you. Then say it out loud.
Self-motivation is incredibly important for success. It's the spark that will get that application started, that phone call made or that CV written.
4) Talk about it.
Bear in mind, 'talk' doesn't mean 'whine.' Moping is okay in small, infrequent doses but it's also something you just have to break through.
Share your experience with someone you trust. Have your friends or family members ever been unemployed? Ask them about it. How did they feel? What did they do to overcome it? Absorb all the advice you can and use it for yourself. You might (or might not) be surprised by how many people have been in a position similar to yours. This is not only the age of redundancy, but the age of people who feel freer to regularly change jobs and chase dream careers.
5) The Golden Rule: Never Give Up
You are not going to remain unemployed for ten years. It's not going to happen unless you work exceptionally hard at being unemployed or have unresolved psychological or physical issues blocking your way.
It might take months, it might take longer than a year, it might not be your dream job, but you are inevitably going to be employed. You are going to be financially supported somehow during your unemployment whether that be by savings, a parent, the government, a spouse or friend. There is always a way for you to get help. It can be agonisingly difficult and you might learn lessons about your pride, but it can be done.
I recently met a successful, vibrantly happy man who has a history of unemployment. When he was homeless, he had every right to dwell on this pain and fear. Instead, he used the golden rule to weather him through his storm. He had been employed before and knew he could do it again. He had recovered from an addiction and, because of that, knew he was strong enough to recover from homelessness. He had many more years of life ahead so he could try again. And again. And again.
You'll only get there if you try. Be gentle with yourself and never give up.

Thursday 28 March 2019

Guided Meditation for Deep Positivity - Law of Attraction - Self Hypnosis

Who's In Charge In Your Life?

Most of us are not aware of our doing this when pain is involved. We don't realize that we're doing things to avoid an even greater pain. Let me illustrate it. Some people put up with a job they hate or an abusive boss because the pain of being rejected somewhere else would be too big. Or because the pain of being unemployed would hurt too much. They'd rather put up with the pain of their nasty days than risk suffering even more.
In that sense, we're all in charge of our own lives and decisions. We all choose what we have.
When the choosing is consciously done, we are in charge. When we are not aware that we are choosing, we become victims. We blame others. We think the world is doing that to us.
In the example I mentioned above, staying at that job out of fear without realizing that we are choosing to do so turns us into victims. We feel sorry for ourselves. We let others decide for us. And resent them for it. We feel powerless. But there always is a choice. Always. Even in the worst circumstances. Even in the most abusive ones. And whenever we do the choosing, we stop being victims and take control of our lives.
Another example I'd like to give you has to do with me. Quite a few years ago I had some car accidents (yes, in the plural) that really damaged my back and kept me in me acute, chronic pain on both legs and my back for seven whole years, every single day. I could barely walk and my doctors told me that a wheelchair was unavoidable. One could argue that I was the victim because the accidents hadn't been provoked by me. I'd say that my victimization started the moment I didn't accept my situation and decided to suffer from it.
But as soon as I chose to control my life even under those circumstances, I stopped being the victim. I couldn't walk everyday, true, but I could do tons of things still. And I did. I also found new doctors and let go of my old way of life.
Today I am still disabled and enjoy a magnificent, very fulfilling life. Yes, there are days when I'm in physical pain and can't walk or do walk with a sever limp. But I am alive and happy.
Some people say that I resign myself to my new life style. I disagree. Resignation would be accepting my reality and nothing else. But I'm proactively improving it. That's the key, the difference. I choose to improve my life every day, to enjoy it every minute, even when in pain. That is my choice. That is why I'm not a victim but in control.
I refuse to be a victim of my circumstances again. I am not my circumstances. And circumstances can always be changed. I choose pleasure, not pain. Even if the pain looks familiar.
What do you choose?
Enjoy life... ALL of it,
Discover humanology, optimism coaching, personal essence and much more

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Tony Robbins on How to Break Your Negative Thinking

Message From the Universe: May All Your Dreams Come True!

And these dreams of mine are what started it all.
The Universe"
Look and listen from within that you will have all your dreams come true. Even if you feel like giving up, don't as something, up there, is looking out for you. Imagine our vast Universe, where everything you see happen from that unimaginable force of energy that created what we see today. The Big Bang is something very difficult to imagine, even harder to believe. From emptiness to 100 billion more galaxies and possibly other Universes, the temperature in outer space had to be perfect. Scientists are scratching their head as to how and what triggered all of this. Divine intervention was obviously a part of all this, that is a given and even the most atheist scientist, Stephen Hawking previously believe that all was just a pure coincidence, until he realize that coincidence couldn't have been a part of the equation in the Universe. It is too precise to just be coincidence.
So if all this is possible, at the level of our Universe, how easy can it be to make your dreams come true? I mean, you dreams aren't to recreate something as big as the Big Bang right? So anything else can be handled by you, and ONLY you. I may have some participation to making your dreams come true faster than normal, but everything is based on you starting with these thoughts that will propel you to outer space. Don't forget to also realize that you are human, and that power from within cannot be unleashed into the wild. You need to contain this force, the power you possess. I will stand by you to make sure you do not go overboard. The rest, well, you know how to go from here.
Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC
Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach

Monday 25 March 2019

Anthony Robbins - A Habit Of Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking: Why Are Some People Obsessed With Being Positive?

If someone was given the option of experiencing extreme joy or extreme sadness, there is the chance that they would go for the former. It feels good to feel good; whereas it feels bad to feel bad.
Based on this, it could be said that it is easy to see why someone would want to feel good all the time. Experiencing life in this way will have a positive effect on their wellbeing and it will allow them to spread 'positive vibes' wherever they go.
One Outlook
Life could be seen as being too short to feel sad and down, and that this doesn't do any good. Along with this, they could say that if they allow themselves to be consumed by negativity, they will end up experiencing more of the same.
One is then going to be aware of the 'law of attraction' and they are not going to want to send anything bad out into the universe. There are going to be plenty of books out here that will support what they believe.
A Battle
Still, even though one can prefer to feel good over what they see as the alternative, it doesn't mean that one will always be able to experience life in this way. What they may find is that there are times when it is incredibly difficult for them to experience positive feelings.
During these moments of their life, it could be as though they are in the middle of the ocean, trying to keep their head above the water. The difference is that they won't be trying to keep their head above the water; they will be trying to keep their head above negative feelings.
Out of Nowhere
When this takes place, it may appear as though they are experiencing negative feelings for no apparent reason. There are then going to be other times when they are aware of why they feel low.
For example, a loved one may have passed on and this can be a time when they feel wiped out. Yet, they may do their best to make sure that their negative feelings don't weigh them down for too long.
A Justification
They could believe that this person wouldn't want them to be sad now that they are gone, with this being another reason why they should do what they can to be positive. There are then going to be things that take place externally and internally that have an impact on their emotional state.
What they may do, to make it easier for them to be positive, is to cut their ties with anyone who is negative. Cutting out any negative information may be another thing that they do try to stay upbeat.
One Big Struggle
It is not going to be a surprise if they often end up feeling incredibly drained and burnt out from time to time, due to how much effort they out into trying to stay positive. There could even be moments when they just can't do it anymore and end up being consumed by negative feelings.
This doesn't mean that they will try another approach, though, as they could just get back on their feet and dust themselves off. Even so, the same thing will probably end up taking place again in a little while.
What is going on?
One way of looking at this would be to say that there are bound to be moments in their life when they fall off the positivity horse, so to speak, and need to get back on again. The key will be for them to not get attached to their negative feelings and to reconnect to their positive feelings as soon as they can.
Another way of looking at all this would be to say that it is a way of being that is not built on firm foundations. This is the plane of duality after all, which is why it is not possible to completely remove one side of the emotional spectrum.
The power of Contrast
Not only this, it is through having the ability to experience 'negative' feelings that one is able to appreciate experiencing 'positive' feelings. If they were stuck in an endless state of positivity, it would no longer have the same impact on them - they would almost certainly become bored and numb.
Therefore, being able to experience both sides of the emotional spectrum gives life meaning and depth. The big question is: why would someone have the need to feel good practically all the time?
What this can show is that the reason one needs to be positive all the time is due to the fact that they can't handle their negative emotions. What this means, then, is that being positive is a defence that their mind utilizes to avoid the pain in their body.
And the reason that they are carrying so much emotional pain could be because they are carrying trauma. No matter how many positive thoughts or feelings that they have or how much positivity they surround themselves with, it is highly unlikely that this pain will simply disappear.
Diving In
The pain that is in within their body will need to be worked through and, as this takes place, they may find that they don't have the same need to be positive. The reason for this is that they will become more balanced within, allowing them to be with how they feel.
One will then see that they are more than both their positive and their negative feelings. They will start to find their centre, no longer being tossed around like a small boat on the ocean.
Taking this into account, if one wants to operate as a whole human being and no longer wants to disconnect from their body, it will be essential for them to heal their pain. This is something that can take place with the assistance of a therapist or a healer.
Teacher, prolific writer, author, and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behavior, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.
Article Source:
Article Source:

Tuesday 19 March 2019

One Step At a Time - Making Change

Years ago, I attended a seminar where Zig Ziglar was the main speaker. I remember his session on goal setting when he talked about how his doctor told him that he had to lose weight.
Zig stated that the first day he was only able to run to the mailbox. The next day he ran past the mailbox to the nearest telephone pole. And so, his program continued until he was actually running five miles a day. His weight was dropping significantly, and his health was improving.
Many people make the mistake of going to a gym or over-exercising to the point that they are in pain and quickly lose their motivation.
It is the same thing with other issues in life. Success usually is less painful to grasp if we make a plan that involves taking small steps.
When my aunt and uncle were planning to move from their five-bedroom house into a condo, my aunt set a personal goal of getting rid of one thing every time that she left the house. She knew that w a year that would result in having at least 365 less items. One step at a time.
My dad used to say that it is a good idea to take twenty dollars on each payday and put away somewhere that only you know about. Over a year, at two pay cheques a month that would result in a saving of four hundred and eighty dollars.
It took me thirteen years to get my first degree because I had to work while studying. One course at a time, one semester at a time. Now I have four degrees!
You don't need to be a dynamo to make positive change in your life. Just adopt the following formula:
  1. Choose an area that you want to improve. Is it your health, your environment, or your financial situation? Perhaps you want to learn a skill, build stronger relationships or save for a holiday.
  2. Write down your goal. A goal is a dream with a deadline. Plan to accomplish something that in a realistic timeframe.
  3. Develop a plan that will allow you to reach the goal by taking achievable daily steps towards it.
  4. Position a calendar in a place where you will view it so that you are reminded of your commitment and can keep yourself accountable.
  5. Every day put a checkmark or an X on the calendar to mark your progress.
  6. Forgive yourself if you need to draw an X. Tomorrow is a new day and a new start.
  7. Share your plan and progress with people who will regularly encourage you.
  8. Celebrate your success!
Goal setting is more than just talking about what you wish. It requires strong commitment and action, even when the going gets though.
And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to a complimentary list of 10 Steps to Making Your Life an Adventure when you visit
From Dr. Linda Hancock, Registered Psychologist and Registered Social Worker

Article Source:

Monday 18 March 2019

Positive Thinking: Why Are Some People Obsessed With Being Positive?

If someone was given the option of experiencing extreme joy or extreme sadness, there is the chance that they would go for the former. It feels good to feel good; whereas it feels bad to feel bad. Based on this, it could be said that it is easy to see why someone would want to feel good all the time. Experiencing life in this way will have a positive effect on their wellbeing and it will allow them to spread 'positive vibes' wherever they go.

One Outlook
Life could be seen as being too short to feel sad and down, and that this doesn't do any good. Along with this, they could say that if they allow themselves to be consumed by negativity, they will end up experiencing more of the same. One is then going to be aware of the 'law of attraction' and they are not going to want to send anything bad out into the universe. There are going to be plenty of books out here that will support what they believe.

A Battle
Still, even though one can prefer to feel good over what they see as the alternative, it doesn't mean that one will always be able to experience life in this way. What they may find is that there are times when it is incredibly difficult for them to experience positive feelings. During these moments of their life, it could be as though they are in the middle of the ocean, trying to keep their head above the water. The difference is that they won't be trying to keep their head above the water; they will be trying to keep their head above negative feelings.

Out of Nowhere
When this takes place, it may appear as though they are experiencing negative feelings for no apparent reason. There are then going to be other times when they are aware of why they feel low. For example, a loved one may have passed on and this can be a time when they feel wiped out. Yet, they may do their best to make sure that their negative feelings don't weigh them down for too long.

A Justification
They could believe that this person wouldn't want them to be sad now that they are gone, with this being another reason why they should do what they can to be positive. There are then going to be things that take place externally and internally that have an impact on their emotional state. What they may do, to make it easier for them to be positive, is to cut their ties with anyone who is negative. Cutting out any negative information may be another thing that they do try to stay upbeat.

One Big Struggle
It is not going to be a surprise if they often end up feeling incredibly drained and burnt out from time to time, due to how much effort they out into trying to stay positive. There could even be moments when they just can't do it anymore and end up being consumed by negative feelings. This doesn't mean that they will try another approach, though, as they could just get back on their feet and dust themselves off. Even so, the same thing will probably end up taking place again in a little while.

What is going on?
One way of looking at this would be to say that there are bound to be moments in their life when they fall off the positivity horse, so to speak, and need to get back on again. The key will be for them to not get attached to their negative feelings and to reconnect to their positive feelings as soon as they can. Another way of looking at all this would be to say that it is a way of being that is not built on firm foundations. This is the plane of duality after all, which is why it is not possible to completely remove one side of the emotional spectrum.

The power of Contrast
Not only this, it is through having the ability to experience 'negative' feelings that one is able to appreciate experiencing 'positive' feelings. If they were stuck in an endless state of positivity, it would no longer have the same impact on them - they would almost certainly become bored and numb. Therefore, being able to experience both sides of the emotional spectrum gives life meaning and depth. The big question is: why would someone have the need to feel good practically all the time?

What this can show is that the reason one needs to be positive all the time is due to the fact that they can't handle their negative emotions. What this means, then, is that being positive is a defence that their mind utilizes to avoid the pain in their body. And the reason that they are carrying so much emotional pain could be because they are carrying trauma. No matter how many positive thoughts or feelings that they have or how much positivity they surround themselves with, it is highly unlikely that this pain will simply disappear.

Diving In
The pain that is in within their body will need to be worked through and, as this takes place, they may find that they don't have the same need to be positive. The reason for this is that they will become more balanced within, allowing them to be with how they feel. One will then see that they are more than both their positive and their negative feelings. They will start to find their centre, no longer being tossed around like a small boat on the ocean.

Taking this into account, if one wants to operate as a whole human being and no longer wants to disconnect from their body, it will be essential for them to heal their pain. This is something that can take place with the assistance of a therapist or a healer. Teacher, prolific writer, author, and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

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