Sunday 2 June 2019

Time Management Tips For Women - Grab These 8 Time Management Tips Today

Do you ever feel as though you couldn't possibly cram one more thing into your day? With a woman's busy workload the thought of just grocery shopping can send you over the edge. Learn some time management skills and quell those out of control urges. You don't have to feel short on time and stressed out any more.

Stress can sometimes make you feel so overwhelmed you want to run screaming through the streets. You start to get that queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. Your head begins to pound and you just know you're going to be sick. Road rage begins to take over when you feel like ramming your car into the rear end of the truck that just cut you off.

It's time to take a deep breath and regroup. It's time to learn some time management skills to help keep those uncontrollable feelings of doom and anger in check. These tried and true time management tips for women could be your saving grace.

Here are 8 Time Management Tips to follow right now:

1.    Make yourself a list of everything you want to accomplish that day. Making a list will help put things in real-time and enable you to see if your schedule is realistic.

2.    Prioritize your list. Do the important tasks first or when you have the most energy in your day.

3.    Break down the tasks even further into bite-sized chunks. Doing things this way, your schedule doesn't seem quite so daunting.

4.    Piggyback smaller trips and tasks for the day. Make all your phone calls at one time. Map out your route and plan your trips to the grocery store, shopping mall, kid's activities and so on, so it takes the least amount of time to complete.

5.    If at all possible, handle paperwork only once. Don't waste your time opening junk mail. Throw it away immediately and unopened. You'd be amazed at the time you waste just peeking inside.

6.    Try to avoid impromptu visits. If someone stops by or calls and you have a full load that day, arrange another time for your visit or phone call. I'm sure if you explained things they'd understand and commiserate with you.

7.    Try to be prepared for potentially stressful situations. Rehearse what you might say or do should the need arise. Make sure you have all your necessary resources at your fingertips.

8.    Know when to ask for help. You'll know when you simply have too many priorities. Enlist assistance from your co-workers, kids and sweetheart and complete your tasks.

In my estimation, the most difficult of these tips is number 8 - enlisting help. We all think we're superwoman and can do it all. Truth be told, you probably can do it all and probably a whole lot better than others; however computer Technology Articles, you'll only be able to do this for so long until your body says "no more". The object is to complete all your tasks in a timely manner and maintain your health and sanity in the process. Then your free time is your own.

Charlotte Winslow
Source: Free Articles from

Saturday 1 June 2019

The Myth of Time Management

Time Management is a myth that so-called self-help experts have pushed down our throats for decades. Learn the truth about Time Management and how you can finally find more hours in your day.

Time Management is a myth. You can’t manage time any more than you can manage the rising and setting sun or the pull of the ocean’s tides. Attempting to manage time is like attempting to manage the weather. Time marches on, with utter disregard for the comings and goings of mere humans. Time can not be managed, period.
You can only manage what you can control. While it’s true that time cannot be managed, it is possible to manage yourself within the confines of time. With discipline and diligence, any person can effectively manage him/herself within time’s boundaries.

Where Does It All Go?

The simplest way to begin to manage yourself within time is to evaluate how your time is currently spent. Keep a journal for one to two weeks, and mark down each activity (or lack thereof) to discover where your time goes. Group like activities into categories, and evaluate whether too much time is spent in a certain area. Consider which activities are productive and lead you closer to your goals, or further away from your goals.

By evaluating how time is spent, you will be able to see what activities can be trimmed or streamlined in order to create the illusion of more time. It’s impossible to create more time—each of us has only 60 seconds in each minute, 60 minutes in each hour and 24 hours in each day. By improving the way in which you spend your time, you are able to feel as though you have more time during the day. This simple shift in thinking can create a remarkably empowering experience.

To decrease your frustration about time (or lack thereof), watch your language while referring to time and time-related matters. Avoid phrases like “I need more time,” “I don’t have enough time,” and “I’m running out of time.” When you use phrases like these, you are fooling yourself into thinking it’s Time’s fault instead of taking responsibility for how you choose to spend your time. Time is a fixed measurement and it’s not Time’s fault if you don’t manage it correctly. Remember, YOU are in control of how you spend your time.

How Much Time Have You Got?

Each of us is born with a finite amount of time on this earth. Unfortunately, no one alive can know the exact amount of time allotted for him or her. Would you live your life differently if you knew you were going to die 27 days from now? If you answered yes, you’ve got some room for improvement in the way you currently manage yourself within time. Get busy doing what really matters to you and remember that you are in control of how you choose to spend each minute of each day.

Amy S. Grant
Source: Free Articles from


For more than 15 years, Amy Scott Grant has been speaking and coaching people to improve their use of time, set and achieve powerful goals and reduce or eliminate stress from their lives. She is the creator of The Success Method and New Success.

Friday 31 May 2019

How Busy Are You? - A Great Tip For Effective Time Management

Are you “time management obese?” With this one simple tip, Bob Selden suggests how to manage the “comfort food” of time management so that you can achieve your work goals and still enjoy the food!

You receive a phone call from the CEO who asks whether you’d be interested in taking on a special assignment. In this assignment, you would report directly to the CEO and participate in making some of the important strategic decisions facing the company. This assignment would provide you personally with major growth and career opportunities. The offer has only one catch; because the assignment is only part-time requiring about one day per week, you would have to do your present job in the remaining four days. Would you take the assignment? Before reading any further please answer “Yes” or “No” – Would you take the assignment?

HBR (October 2002) reports that this question has been posed to hundreds of managers, most of whom believed that they already lacked the time to do their jobs properly. Yet, ninety nine percent of them take the assignment. Why?

Are these managers (and perhaps we could include ourselves):

Admitting that if the motivation were powerful enough, they could eliminate or do in much less time eight to ten hours worth of current activities each week without negative consequences?
Currently spending time performing unproductive, time-wasting activities (that they could easily drop) to avoid or escape job-related anxiety? Like the other 99% of managers, did you answer “Yes”?. If so, what activities that you currently do, could you eliminate or do less of to free up some of your time for the more important things you need to do?
As the HBR article points out, almost all managers escape some job-induced anxiety through a variety of unproductive, often unconscious, psychological mechanisms – rationalization, denial, blaming and so forth. One of the most costly is busyness; the escape into time-consuming activities that managers find less threatening to perform (though much less productive) than the tough aspects of their jobs. I call these “comfort tasks” – comfort because they are generally mindless and easy to do. However, having done them, have we progressed any of the major tasks we need to achieve? The answer is almost certainly “No”. And like good food, “comfort tasks” make us feel good, but if we have too much, we feel bloated. The trick is to keep the comfort tasks to an enjoyable minimum and thus not become “time management obese”.

So, how do you reduce the amount of time spent on “comfort tasks”?The first step is to become aware of how much time each of us spends on these comfort tasks. Remember, for most of us, these comfort tasks are done unconsciously, so we need to find out what they are.

For the next week:

• Place a very bright post-it note somewhere visible with a large question: “Is this a comforting task?” (You will quickly learn to identify them because they are the things that you start to do when your mind wanders AND you find yourself not working on the required major goals, tasks or activities)

• Take a note of the things you do that are comfort tasks (i.e. they are not progressing your major goals or activities)During the following week:

• Make a conscious effort to reduce the amount of time you spend on identified comfort tasks.

• Keep in mind, that some time spent is ok (and healthy), but overdoing it is overdosing! In the future, should you find your mind wandering, remember the “comfort task” trick and get back on track? This simple technique is bound to free up some of your time to focus on the really important things either within your job or private life.

Source: Free Articles from


Bob Selden, of the National Learning Institute, has previously taught time management techniques to managers with varying degrees of success. Over the years, he has found this one simple technique outperforms all others. If you have another time management idea that you’d like to share with Bob, or pose him a question regarding time management, he can be contacted via

Thursday 30 May 2019

Essential Life Skills You Could Master This Summer

Summer is only a couple of months away and now seems like the right time for you to chalk out your plans and list out the many things you’d want to strike off your bucket list, for life, starting this summer! Nobody wants to turn into a blob and lie there on the couch all day, watching mindless shows on the television, when in fact you could be mastering a new set of essential skills every single day, all of which will certainly come to your rescue one fine day. If you don’t know where to begin from, here’s a list of essential life skills you could look into:


Baking is an entirely rewarding activity. Once you master the art, or get close to being even sufficiently good at it, you would want to spend days baking and gorging on your own goodies! Everybody loves a person who can bake. Besides that, it will allow you to experiment with a whole set of recipes in the kitchen, be self-sufficient and earn brownie points every time you bake for someone!


This one is for all of you who love being on beaches but are never quite prepared to head into the water for a good swim. Swimming is a skill one ought to master as it is relaxing, helps burn a lot of calories, increases your appetite and can be of immense help when any kind of tragedy strikes! Breathe easy and don’t let the massive waves dampen your spirits even as you try to learn the basics. Or, you could just dive into a swimming pool to start with.


Nothing makes you feel more independent than being able to drive your own car from place to place and not having to rely on public transport, or worse, on other people. Summers are a good time to enrol yourself for driving lessons after having figured the driving test cost and prepare yourself well, just in case you plan to hit the road any time soon, considering the fact that summers are the best time for road trips!

Go Dancing:

It may not figure on the list of usual set of life skills, but trust us; nothing works better than blowing someone’s mind off with good dancing skills, or at least manageable ones! Join a class, be it for salsa, jive, contemporary, hip-hop or ballroom. Dancing is an excellent way of working out, toning your body and having fun while at it. Before you even realize, you’ll be waltzing your way at dance parties and you will know what an important (social) life skill it is after all.

Go Camping:

Make most of the summers and gather a bunch of friends and head out on a long trail which ends in a night or two of setting camp somewhere. Camping is a quick way of learning more than one survival skill and a fun way of toughening oneself up, making sure that one can survive all vagaries of nature and life, in general!
Been there, done that, Laura spent last summer mastering her driving skills. Then she checked out how much a driving test cost on and booked herself in. This summer she plans on taking her friends on a road trip.

By: Laura Ginn
Article Source:

Wednesday 29 May 2019

3 Key Components to Effective Time Management

Effective time management is an absolute must in order to manage the typically busy lifestyle associated with living in the 21st century.
A certain degree of time management skills is required to work through schedules that seem to pull us in multiple directions simultaneously.
Read more to see 3 time management tips you can use immediately to take control of a busy schedule and increase your own productivity.

Effective time management is a necessity commonly needed by anybody expecting to successfully manage the typically busy lifestyles we live today. Coordinating business, social, and family activities can be a very stressful task. Without establishing some sort of time management system you are inviting tension and chaos into your life.

Although lifestyles may vary there is an overall need for just about everyone to develop some sort of time management skills.

From the important matters concerning your business to managing a household, there will always be multiple tasks needing to be completed. This can only be done by you managing your time in an efficient manner, but where do you start?

Let's discuss 3 simple time management tips you can use to immediately take back control of your day while increasing your productivity.

Task Listing

The first order of business for anyone juggling a hectic schedule is to first list the things you want to accomplish. Certain sizable tasks will require that you break them down into the steps that are involved and needed to actually complete the task itself.

When developing your 'to do' list you will also be able to note the estimated amount of time you'll need to complete each task.

Task Prioritization

Now you will review your list and begin to prioritize each task. Certain things may be more important or time-sensitive than others, therefore, you will schedule for their completion first.

During this stage, your focus is simply to 'rank' your list according to their respective priorities or associated deadlines.

Task Scheduling

Here you want to 'arrange' for the actual completion of each task on your list by 'working' them into your schedule. Using their rank in priority and their estimated time of completion you can now put together a 'workable' plan for when each task will be done.

Be realistic here and don't try to overbook yourself. It'll only make you frustrated and discourage you when you can't complete all the tasks. It will also increase your haste which will invite error resulting in the inefficient use of your time.

With a little practice here you'll improve your time management skills helping you to more quickly and accurately develop, schedule and coordinate your activities.

Of course, effective time management always culminates in the successful execution of those activities or tasks that you schedule, but then again you already knew. Having in place a time management system such as the one we discussed above enables you to alleviate undue chaos while accomplishing more. Whether it's for personal reasons or your business free Articles, time needs to be properly allotted for each task to be successfully completed. By simply following the 3 time management tips we discussed here today you can enjoy a fuller and more productive life and all with less stress.

Source: Free Articles from


TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
For additional Money Making Tips and a free guide that demonstrates how to find both profitable markets and products

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Importance of Time Management Tips and Techniques

One who manages time in a well mannered and according to requirement never feels any difficulty in performing his whole day jobs, duty and other assignments in a very calculated and successful way and as a result, such people are called as a very successful personality. best time management, free time management
Time is very precious thing; it has wings and as such is passing very fast. Time once gone never comes back. It plays very important role in the life of every man kind. The people who know the importance of time factor in their lives and career are very conscious about its management.
One who manages time in a well mannered and according requirement never feels any difficulty in performing his whole day jobs, duty and other assignment in a very calculated and successful way and as a result such people are called as a very successful personality.
Proper time management also results in contentment and satisfaction in daily life. On the other hand people who don’t bother to enhance their skills through  free time management tips and are in the habit of doing things haphazardly with out any proper planning of ten results in a failure or in break down of their all plans and assignments. They can never spend a successful life. They are never contented people. They are always unable to enjoy their life in a well mannered and successful way.
If you review the above facts deeply you will appreciate and feel that best time management plays a vital role in the life of successful and contented persons.
Similarly time management techniques and time management skills are also very important for students for their bright and brilliant carrier. A student has to mange rime very effectively for his assignments, readings and co-curricular activities. There are a lot of examples which we can find very easily where a student is showing very good grades in his studies but when we look about his extra activities we will find him no where means he doesn’t know how to manage time between his studies and other activities. We can also find some students who are the captains of their home teams in any sport but when we look at their grades they are pathetic and the reason is same that they don’t know any thing about best time management.
Time management for family is also very important to live a prosperous life. Just like the above examples of students if we look closely to the families where one can easily find tightness between family members we can observe very easily that despite of other major factors a main major factor of this tightness is that they also don’t know any thing about time management system. Like for instance, just consider the example of a married couple and think about if male person has a job at night and female, his life partner, has a job in day. The result will be a great disaster if they both do not pay attention to the time management exercises. It is necessary for them to find time management solutions to live a happy, prosperous life.
Same is the case for working persons and it is true for every type of person whether he is doing a white colored jobArticle Submission, a red colored job or a blue color job. Every one has to develop time management techniques. Other wise he or she can not compete with the current world. One can improve his time management skills through online time management tutorials.
All the above mentioned factors witness that proper time management is a vital and unavoidable factor in every sphere of life. So let’s start right now or let’s start from right now how to manage time?

Source: Free Articles from


Hello,I am Martin from Streamwood, USA and I am writing lover. I write about my personal experiences and spread the words which I like and dislike. Thanks

Monday 27 May 2019

Create a Great Time Management Strategy and Achieve the Life You've Always Wanted

A common time management mistake is to attempt to do too many things and not distinguish between the important and critical. Time management, in the true sense of the word, can be defined as doing the right thing the right way at the right time. The golden rule of time management is to put firs things first. Do the things that only you can do. Delegate the rest. You will find your life more productive, meaningful and time well spent.

A common time management mistake is to attempt to do too many things and not distinguish between the important and critical. What is time management? Time management, in the true sense of the word, can be defined as doing the right thing the right way at the right time. When one does not do things in the right way, i.e., prioritize things that have to be done, a lot of time is taken up in doing the non-essentials.

Putting first things first is the crux of time management. Do things in order of importance, and stop wasting time on the non-essentials. The 80/20 rule applies here. Eighty percent of your results will depend on the critical 20% of things that are most important. The key is to zoom in for what is important.

Identify things that can only be done by yourself, and no one else. These are the critical success factors in time management and your life. Ask yourself , "What one thing could I do, that I'm not currently doing, which, if I did it regularly would make the biggest difference in my life?" Then devote as much time as you can to activities that make a difference and contribute most to your happiness and success.

In your life, think of the most crucial thing that would make a difference. For example, in terms of managing your money, will it be to concentrate on improving your skills at your current job, or learning another skill so that you can prepare for the future, or tightening up on your finances so you won't be losing money?

For example, in a retail shop, what is the number one thing that will make a difference in their bottom line? To improve sales. In this case, a more effective time management skill and goal setting strategy will be to improve sales. They can brainstorm ways to do this. Rather than focusing on other things, like renovating the shop front so it would look nicer, which they've always wanted to do. But it is not effective use of time and resource at the moment.

How about the most effective way to spend time with your kids? Is it cooking meals and doing the laundry for them, or spending time to help them in their schoolwork? For examplePsychology Articles, the wshing or cooking can be left to someone else so it will allow you to be able to spend more quality time with your children. They can have their full stomachs and you at the same time.

Think and brainstorm all the things that only you can do. Then prioritize in the order of importance. This is the msot important skill of time management- identify things that do matter. So that you can have time for things that matter.

Source: Free Articles from


May is passionate about helping others achieve the life of their dreams. Live, love, be, do and have. Get your inspirational resources at . Get your Free Report on attracting success at: .

Sunday 26 May 2019

Goal Setting / Where Do You Want To Be In Your Life?

Have you ever thought about where you want to be in your life? And if so how are you planning on getting there. It must start with setting those goals.

I am going to tell you the more important that the end result is for you, the more likely that you will get there. Now did this make sense to you?

Let’s go over it here for you. This is something that you want to accomplish in your life, perhaps it is something that you want or maybe someone that you want to help.

The first thing that you will want to do is set that first goal, then keep yourself accountable for it. Focus on where you want to be. Don’t focus on your problems? All that matters is the act of taking action.

You always want to keep moving forward, not backwards. Your brain is focused on the path of least resistance, it will challenge change. You are going to need to program it to do things differently. So keep focused on that end result all the time, then you will see things on the past to your success. The answers will show up.

Now that you know what you want, you need to get ready, don’t let fear stop you from getting where you want to be in your life, "Your goals!"

If it is fear that is stopping you, then you need to identify this and overcome it. Your goals are just something that you have to work on, something that you have to do.

Here is something I would like to share with you all today; I received this in an e-mail from one of my team member’s.

This is what I'm "gonna do" for a living to support my family. This is what I love to do and there is nothing that will stop me from success, nothing could make me quit, I'm dedicated 100%, the words I Can't or I Won't don't exist in my vocabulary. I have a 2 year old daughter, her name is Peyton Elizabeth and she is my whole world. Personal Growth/Self Development are my passion and my purpose. I love to help other people to realize who they are, to find themselves and what they really want in life and out of life, then show them there is nothing that's impossible if they just believe.

A clear set goal and now he is on his way to getting where he wants to be in his life. I am hoping that you all get the picture with this article that I am sharing with you and start setting those goals to help you get where you want to be in your life.

If you are having a problem, reach out to someone who can help you, do not be afraid to ask for help. There are so many people, like myself who care about your future and the well being of you and your family members.

Always keep focused on the end result and take the right actions to get you there. Start believing in yourself, you and you alone are responsible for what you do with your life. And setting those goals is the first step.
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By: Chery Schmidt Email Article
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This article has been viewed 1654 times.

Saturday 25 May 2019

Improving Productivity with a Management Dashboard

Management of small and big corporations alike is always pressed for time. There never seems to be enough time to sufficiently examine all the information relayed to them and make informed decisions based off that information. A good management team will use its time wisely and by making use of its management dashboard and management reports to stay ahead of the competition. Let’s take an in depth look at how management can take full advantage of its resources by using its management dashboard and management report to streamline the decision making process.

Management Dashboard – If you are not familiar with a management dashboard then you are certainly missing out. A management dashboard offers a simple yet powerful way for viewing all the important information contained in the databases of your corporation. Such enterprise dashboard solutions allow top management the ability to view business intelligence and other key information relating to business operations.

Because the ideal management dashboard can display the key information that drives your business it is easy to capture the big picture of your business along with the direction it is headed. Thanks to this tool management teams are able to minimize their time spent studying data and put more time into making the right decisions for the business.

Management Report - Management can also rely on thorough management reports to direct them in their decision making process. Top management typically receives various management reports from the lower level managers who work hands on with the core of the business. These managers help you understand what methods are successful, which products should be pursued, and how to use their employees in the most effective manner. When they write a management report addressing such key business factors the management team should pay close attention. Management should read and review this management report over and over again to ensure that they have a good understanding of the issues the company is facing.

Once the management report has been studied adequately the management team can integrate the information they learned from the report with the information the management dashboard presents to them. Relying on these two sources of information, the management team can then go ahead and make well informed business decisions.

In this simple manner top level management teams can take advantage of the tools and resources they have available to them. Certainly useful tools like a management dashboard have a proven track record and can assist management in making the proper decisions. LikewiseScience Articles, management should also tap into the sea of knowledge their lower level managers possess and relay to them through a management report.

Source: Free Articles from


Adam Smith is an information author for 10X Marketing, which specializes in Link Recruitment. To make the most of your management report by integrating information and data into your management dashboard , please visit

Friday 24 May 2019

A Happiness Formula in 10 Easy Steps

Happiness is the happiest state of mind. Some people believe in a bright future. They think positively and life leads to Love. They are smiling and cheerful. It seems that they have everything the...

Happiness is the happiest state of mind.
Some people believe in a bright future. They think positively and life leads to Love. They are smiling and cheerful. It seems that they have everything they want.

Are their desires small or they are "Gods of reachable small things," satisfied and grateful for what they have?

Some people perceive the worst possible outcome, so if it does happen, it happened, and they "knew" that it would. Most likely, they will say, "See, I've told you so." Apparently, they are proud and egocentric, but they are really unhappy, sad, lonely and without love.

Are their desires too big or they are "Gods of unreachable big things," unsatisfied and ungrateful with what they have?

Which side is better?
I believe we should be grateful for what we have at this moment. Start with a small goal, reach it and become a "God of small things." Be grateful. Then push up your goal, reach it and become a "God of bigger things." Then make it small for you again, set and reach the next goal and your way will become limitless.

But if you start with a big goal and you don't succeed several times in a row, how will you feel? Maybe some of us get more strength from that and do it until we succeed. But most of us just quit, right?

The suggestion is to start with a small goal and rise from it. Even the longest road begins with the first step. And though you are not a bird to glide, at least you will not overfly the road. You only have to go one step after another.

Many things, in our lives, make us happy. For some of us, happiness is being in love, for others it is in family, or in abundance, or in success, or in whatever brings a smile upon our faces and peace in our hearts and minds.

Every man is the magnificence at his own shape, perfection one of a kind. You are perfection. He, she is perfection. I am perfection.

Maybe you wonder:
How can it be if we are so different? It can because perfection doesn't exist. It is not real. We are the best versions of ourselves. That is perfect enough.

All of us individually, different things, situations, events and actions make happy. Wouldn't it be great if there existed a Special Power which would connect people by those things that make them happy? Then we would easily find someone who suits us, the one who has the same desires, the same goals the same opinions, and we will merge our lives into one successful, happy life. It would be perfect! Everyone would be happy in love and in life.

But life doesn't work that way.
Life can be an unexpected set of events, and it demands tolerance and a lot of friendship and love from us. Otherwise, where would be the excitement of life if we all know our way from birth to the end? How would we grow and what would we learn if we were the same or if we spend the most time with people that are just like us? Would we really be happy? Or just our ego would be happy because it is self-satisfied?

Happiness Formula
Take a few minutes for yourself.
Find peace inside you and feel your breathing and heartbeat.
Ask yourself this simple question "How are you?"
Answer from your heart.
If the answer is "Great," "Happy," "Satisfied," then you are on the right path. But if the answer is "Unhappy," "Sad," "Lonely" or it is just silence, then you have to ask yourself another question: "What would make you happy? " The answer is your wish.
Make a goal from your wish.
Feel it!
Do it! Make an action plan and do one by one an action by action. You will reach it! And when you accomplish it, you will feel satisfactionPsychology Articles, and satisfaction leads to happiness.
Do not stop!
Take responsibility of your life and create your happiness.
Source: Free Articles from


Catherine B. Roy is an author and Founder of "Live from Your Heart and Mind" (LHM) community, Awarded Top 30 Under 30 Young Leaders in the World, Member of The Wellness Universe, Award Winning Artist and Scientist, Poet, Philosopher and Published Author whose stimulating, upbeat and inspirational writings have helped countless people in the world. It has helped them solve personal problems, infuse their lives with hope, energy and success, and remarkably improve people's relationships at work and at home.

As the author and founder of the "Live from Your Heart and Mind", Catherine is the guiding force behind the "LHM" system for increasing a person's emotional and intellectual capacity, and inspiring them to positive change and accomplishment.

Thursday 23 May 2019

Reaching Your Goals Begins Here

Most people perform better when they are heading toward a goal. But it is important to understand that the goals must motivate. If your goals leave you feeling inadequate, stressed out, or over-worked, then you will lack the motivation to complete them.

Goals that motivate have specific characteristics:

* Clarity. Clear goals are specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART). When a goal is clear and specific, people know what needs to be done and what is expected.

* Challenge. We are often motivated by achievement, so we'll judge a goal by how difficult we perceive it to be. If it is too easy, we won't give it as much attention and energy. However, if it demands us to stretch ourselves in order to achieve the recognition of a job well done, we are more likely to be motivated to excel.

* Commitment. For goal setting to be effective, the goals need to be agreed upon and understood. While this doesn't mean you negotiate every goal with every employee, there is value in engaging the people working towards the goal in crafting it. When we help to create the stretch goal, we are more connected to the challenge and more willing to commit. The harder the goal, the more commitment is needed.

* Task Complexity. For goals that are highly complex, we have to not only give people sufficient time to meet the goal, but actually provide the time to practice or learn skills that are necessary for success. The purpose of goal setting is successful achievement, so you have to be careful that the conditions around the goal support that success rather than stifle it.

* Feedback. Incorporating feedback into the goal setting process allows for expectations to be clarified, difficulty to be adjusted, and recognition given. In particular, when a goal is long-term in nature, it's important to set benchmarks that help people gauge their success and see their achievement.

Once the goals are defined, each goal should be "drilled down" with specific objectives and measures. Objects can be thought of as the yardstick; measures can be thought of as the exact location on the yardstick of each goal area; and both short-term and long-term objectives and measures should be defined.

When determining your objectives and measures it can be helpful to ask, "How will we know when this goal is achieved?" "What, exactly, will be different around here when the goal is attained?"

I appreciate this simple statement from Sir Edmund Hillary: "You don't have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things - to compete. You can be just an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated to reach challenging goals."

©2016. Bill Treasurer. All rights reserved.
Bill Treasurer is a professional speaker and the Chief Encouragement Officer of Giant Leap Consulting. His most recent book, Leaders Open Doors, became the top-selling leadership book on Amazon. Bill has worked with thousands of executives from top organizations, including NASA, Accenture, CNN, Spanx, Hugo Boss and the US Department of Veterans Affairs. Learn more at and

By: Bill Treasurer
Article Source:

Wednesday 22 May 2019

The Three Ingredients of Self Motivation

The major reason why we procrastinate is because we are not motivated enough. And there isn’t one single factor that determines motivation. In this article we discuss the three factors that influence self-motivation.

I know that I am supposed to do a particular activity like an assignment, or study a book or write letters. But I tend to postpone these indefinitely, citing various excuses.

The major reason why we procrastinate is that we are not motivated enough. Being a mentor for a bunch of young talented students in a leading MBA college allows me in a position where I can see lack of self-motivation as one of the biggest stumbling blocks in student and professional life.

And there isn’t one single factor that determines motivation.

Charles Handy talks about 3 things that are required in the motivational calculus.

I should know my needs. These can be the need for security, for money, food, clothing and shelter, or need for companionship, or need for approval, or a need to fulfil my debt to various people.
I should know the result of which activity would satisfy these all or some of these needs.
I should have the energy or the resources (money, time etc.) to spend on those activities.
The above are multiplicative. That is, if any of the three is not there, I would not be motivated.

If I do not know my needs, then no activity would motivate me.

If I do not have the energy or the resources, then I cannot finish the activity satisfactorily.

If I do not know how to satisfy my needs, then I will not be motivated.

Therefore, I have to link the activity (that I dislike) to a need. For example, if I fear that I will fail a course, and therefore have a need to pass it and get rid of my fear, I can link an assignment to that need.  If I need the approval of my colleagues, and the distasteful activity will satisfy that need, then I will try to do the activity.

Whether I finish the activity or not is based on the resources at hand. If I do not have the time, or I delayed it so much that I cannot possibly finish, then I am not motivated to do the activity, even if I know that the activity will satisfy a need.

The same principle holds good for motivating others. If I do not know the needs of another person, I cannot offer him an activity, the result of which would satisfy the needs.

If I do know his needs and I can link it to an activity that I want him to do, and I provide him with the means and resources (including training) to do that activity, the person will be motivated.

Remove any of the three (needsFind Article, activity or resources) and there will be no motivation.

Source: Free Articles from

How To Multiply Your Time | Rory Vaden | TEDxDouglasville

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Tuesday 21 May 2019

Capture the Positive Momentum

If you find yourself growing more and more uncomfortable with your negative emotions, if they are annoying distractions to the little flame of peace and well-being starting to glow within you, if you ...

If you find yourself growing more and more uncomfortable with your negative emotions, if they are annoying distractions to the little flame of peace and well-being starting to glow within you, if you find yourself wanting to nurture even the smallest, most quiet feeling of self-appreciation, if you find yourself wanting, really wanting, to be happy within yourself, you are feeling  your Silent Master.  You have already met each other.  Now you can know that this little manifestation of real feeling is destined to unfold into the whole consciousness of love, peace, harmony, and creative power. 

All you need to do is harness this unfolding power, hold on to it, and let it grow.  Then consciously work to replace your negative emotional patterns with feelings that support your goal, whatever it may be.  Have you heard that nothing succeeds like success?  That is so.  Every positive feeling expands and creates more positive feelings.  Capture this momentum. 

Remember, “Your Silent Master expresses completeness, fulfilment, harmony, peace, joy, and love and imparts these qualities to everything it creates.”  Because your Silent Master is the consciousness of love, and because you are your Silent Master, love yourself!  Lift yourself out of your negative emotional patterns with determination, and total commitment.  

     –  by Grandmaster Dr. Tae Yun KimFree Articles, page 104

     –  See Rags to Riches article on Dr. Tae Yun Kim

See the original article of many others on Northstar's blog. 

Source: Free Articles from


Nate Marks enjoys writing snippets here and there. 

Monday 20 May 2019

How To Prevent Procrastinating

Many people at some point experienced issues with putting things off. It is much easier to delay performing a project particularly one that you really don't wish to do than it is to get started. The reasoning is that one day you are going to sit down and undertake what you need to do yet not right now.

Putting things off is really a terrible behavior. It's taking spare time from later and using it now. Many would rather enjoy that time right now and do what they want than have to perform something they don't really want to do. If you do this, you will end up with very stressful days and disturbing weeks which will make you want to procrastinate even more because you wish to stay away from that pain.

The biggest key is to merely get started. If it is a huge report you need to do for school, arrange to simply focus on it for just one hour. What takes place much of the time is that you find that the project isn't as terrible as it initially seemed and is less difficult to do. The starting part is the toughest and yes it really does get easier from there.

Some individuals procrastinate because they are unable to make up their minds. You may be carrying out a assignment but are unsure of what alternatives to choose. In case you just pick one and start, you're going to get a lot more completed than consistently having to worry about your options.

Some others are perfectionists. They don't want anything they do to be sub-standard. This for many leads to postponement mainly because everything must be set up flawlessly prior to starting. This leads many to put off tasks until later eventually leading them to feel bad for having to do something that doesn't meet their benchmarks.

The best reaction you can have is to get started and break down your projects into smaller sized portions. It can take a certain amount of self-control to get rid of this habit.

Author's Resource Box
The author has been writing articles online for almost four years now. He also publishes reviews for many consumer products. Come visit his latest websites that review Micro Niche Profit Automation and Christmas ornaments.

Author : conchita little
Article Source: Articlebliss

6 Time Management Tips to Increase Productivity | Brian Tracy

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Sunday 19 May 2019

8 ways to build the habit of success

To become successful, we have to first understand what the word "success" really means. The Cambridge Dictionary defines success as;
"the achieving of desired results, or someone or something that achieves positive results".
Despite the actual definition, the word "success" has now been associated with monetary rewards by society. Often times people think that to be successful means to be rich. The truth is, one must first be successful before he can ever be rich. Once a person fully understands that concept, he allows himself to reach his full potential. Success is a habit, and money is attracted to the habit of success. Below is a list of 8 things I believe you can start applying today, that will help you build the habit of success in your life.

Make the decision
You will not accomplish anything in life without first making the decision to commit to accomplishing that thing. You will not get healthy without FIRST committing to a healthy lifestyle. Before you can become successful, you must first commit to success. Most people say they want "it", but they don’t ever commit to getting "it", and to making the necessary changes needed to get "it". Talk is cheap, you MUST make the commitment first and figure out the "how-to" later. Convince yourself that success is attainable and that it’s not an impossible thing in your life. Don’t credit your failures or shortcomings to "Bad luck" or to a "lack of opportunities". You must take responsibility for your failures, and understand that the reason you are not where you want to be in life is due to a lack of commitment to success. Plain and simple.

Write down your goals
Most people don’t see the value in writing their goals down on paper. "I have my goals in my head" they say. We live in a time where we are exposed to an overflow of information every day. Your goals WILL get lost somewhere in the chaos of all of that information if you don’t write them down on paper and revisit them EVERYDAY. Write down your goals on a piece of paper once when you first wake up, and once before you go to sleep everyday. Get in the habit of focusing your attention on your goals. Some people are not even able to commit to writing down their goals on paper twice a day, and then they wonder why they cannot achieve them. This isn’t some law of attraction stuff (although that stuff works).
This is a method to get your mind focused solely on your goals and off of the latest social media buzz or nonsense. It’s very easy to get sidetracked nowadays. I recommend you try writing your goals down twice a day for 1 week straight and if somewhere within that week you stop doing it, then that’s how you’ll know that you have a problem with the habit of success.

Do the Math
Set a financial target/goal for yourself, and then do the math to figure out how to get it. This is straight out of the Grant Cardone playbook and I credit it 100% to him. First, you must figure out what you have to offer to the world, then you have to figure out "Who’s got my money".
For example, if I am someone who’s very good at athletics, and can offer athletic training, then I will target athletes, that’s "who has my money".
After you do that, you must figure out how much money you can make from what you have to offer. If as an athletic trainer you make 70$ per hour, then you must use that to break down the math of how to reach your financial target.
For example, let’s pretend that I am an athletic trainer, my target audience (Who got my money) are athletes, I charge 70$ per hour and my goal is to make 100,000$ in 1 year.
First, I will divide my goal (100,000$) by my hourly income (70$) to determine how many hours I must work to reach my target.
(100,000 divided by 70 = 1,430) I know that I must get paid for 1,430 hours of work in 1 year to reach my goal
Second, I will divide the hours I must work to reach my goals (1,430) by the number of days I have set for myself to accomplish my goal (365) to determine how many hours per day I must work to reach my goal.
(1,430 divided by 365 = 4) I know that to reach my goal I must get paid for 4 hours of work every day
If you are charging 70$ per hour, and are training 4 clients per day for only 1 year you will reach 100,000$ in that time. Once you break down the big numbers, you will see that they are not as big as we think they are. Do the math, to make the big numbers seem smaller.

Seek knowledge
The amount of time people spend consuming junk is ridiculous, and I am guilty of it as well.
I know it’s hard to look away when Kanye West is going wild on Twitter, I understand that. With that being said, you must counteract the junk that you are consuming by gaining more useful knowledge and information. There is no shortage of great content out there for people to learn from. Rather than spending all of your time watching cat videos on YouTube, you’d be better off learning from people like Grant Cardone, Gary Vee, Bob Proctor, who are consistently dropping amazing and useful FREE content every day. Invest in yourself and in your personal development. I recommend the book Think & Grow rich for anybody who is looking to get started in moving towards the direction of success. DO NOT overlook the power of a good book.

Find mentors, role models, & teachers
This is very important for people who are just getting started in their careers. You must find someone who you want to live like and study everything that they do, did & are going to do. You must find people who are great at what they do and emulate them. The average Canadian makes 51k per year. There is a cycle that is going on and we are constantly falling into this cycle of mediocrity because we are being taught the wrong information. Most people want to become millionaires, but are getting their life advice from someone who makes 51k a year… That doesn’t add up. You must forget everything that you have been taught about money, and find someone who can actually teach you about how to make it in the quantities you want. If your goal is to be a millionaire, then go get advice from a millionaire. If you don’t have access to any millionaires, then follow people like Grant Cardone and Bob Proctor who can mentor you through the unlimited amounts of content and information that they put out.

Get rid of bad habits and Junk
A bad habit is the kryptonite to success. People love to hang out with toxic people, drink toxic beverages, and waste time being unproductive in toxic environments. This isn’t a judgement of anyone, nor is it a question of morality… this is an assessment of poor time management skills. How are you spending your time? And with who are you spending it? I recommend that you stop giving your time away, and focus on spending it on income producing activities, or personal development. The people and places that you give the most time to will directly influence the growth or lack thereof in your life. Become stingy with your time, and value you it the same way that you value the worthless pieces of paper known as money.

Surround yourself with winners
This plays into the previous point of getting rid of the bad habits, and the waste of time in your life. To get rid of something is difficult, but to replace something is easy. Once you get rid of the toxic parts of your life, look to replace them with something positive. Network with like-minded people who are looking to achieve the same things that you are. Create a mastermind group with someone who supports your goals and ambitions, whether it’s with your mom, uncle, cousin, girlfriend, etc. Find someone who supports your visions, and meets with them regularly. You will see a HUGE difference in your life and in their lives as well.

Clean your room
This last one is for all you dirty folks out there, CLEAN YOUR MESSY ROOM. All the moms out there will thank me for this last point. A messy room is a representation of a messy mind.
Clean your room, you will notice a big difference in your overall emotions. Give it a try and you will thank me later.
These are a few things you can start doing today, to start building up the habit of success in your life. Most people think success is a crazy, unattainable thing and that is not the case. We are all capable of success. Take responsibility for any shortcomings you may have and start working towards success.
Don’t be a little bitch.
Thank you for reading, be sure to follow me on Instagram @Thedonshraify for more posts like this.

The accumulation of this information has changed my life, and I hope it changes yours. I am now moving towards the direction of success, and it all started with these simple steps.
By: Ahmed Al-shraify
Article Source:

How to gain control of your free time | Laura Vanderkam

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Monday 13 May 2019

Causes of Procrastination

Do you normally tend to postpone important tasks that are essential to do at that very moment? If you behave that way, then you are suffering from procrastination, a psychological behavior. A study carried out by skilled researchers revealed that many people are guilty of being procrastinators in their lives. Nurturing this kind of mental behavior, however, can lead to counter productivity, depression, and isolation from society. What causes this kind of mental state? Here are some of the causes of procrastination. Lack of Confidence - The defeating self mentality lead people to procrastinate. The lack of self-confidence changes into fear that prevents people from doing their tasks; fear of being analyzed, criticized, and the fear of failure. The person with low self confidence cant perform tasks that he or she may be quite capable of doing it. Dislike of task - Procrastination may also develop when the person doesn't like to perform a certain task. This can lead to monotony, apathy, and consequently desertion to their duty. The level of procrastination increases if the person continuously does the task that he doesn't like to do. Anxiety - Procrastination can also be triggered due to anxiety in a person. Studies show that a person feeling anxiety will find much less value in the job he or she is doing. It also reduces focus and attention to important details, each of which are essential in completing everyday tasks. Impulsiveness - This is the strongest connection to procrastination. Impulsive behavior may be due to prefrontal damage or less activity on this part of the brain. In any event, prefrontal cortex working and impulsiveness are generally strongly indirectly linked to one another. An impulsive behavior is controlled by primitive parts of the brain or what we call instinct. However, impulsiveness is a behavior of all human beings which is quite normal and essential, the behavior can lead us to improper decision making. Impulsiveness fails the use of the prefrontal cortex, a region in the brain that controls organization, judgement, reason, and decision making.Impulsive behavior keeps us away from performing our duties and responsibilities. Those were some of the causes that lead to procrastination... Even though it might also be a result of mental harm, procrastination is much more of a choice than a natural state. It's always up to us to decide what to do: whether to do the actions that we desire or the things that we need to do. Always think through your actions carefully before doing them and let your frontal brain do the decision making. We inherited a brilliant brain to help us choose and decide properly. Let us use these mental features properly and avoid being patients of procrastination. By: Jamie S Hanson Read more:

Sunday 12 May 2019

BRIAN TRACY: Master Your Time, Master Your Life! | Time Management Guru | Author of Eat That Frog

Mindfulness: The New Zen Of Time Management

Why The Old Solutions Don't Work Obviously, this wide-reaching problem requires a radical solution. But most customary approaches to "Time Management" only ask us to transform our behaviors, as if all our conflicts with Time could be taken care of simply by "establishing our priorities," "sticking to a concrete schedule," or "organizing our files." These extraneous solutions are logical, but they're not psychological; they pay no attention to the internal emotional conflicts and pressures that influence us on probably the most fundamental levels. While it must be accepted that external pressures and distractions overwhelm us constantly, their effect on us can trigger internal psychological conflicts. These conflicts are not able to be addressed only on an external or behavioral level. The fact is, when left unaddressed, internal conflicts influence our behaviors remarkably, potentially wreaking havoc on our aptitude to maintain a healthy equilibrium with Time. When we only try to modify our behaviors, in neurobiological terms we're using the left hemisphere of our brain to logically decide how to manage our time. These external, behavioral resolutions, however, can easily be undermined by reactions from the limbic brain, which push us into a fight or flight survival state. This disrupts even our best-made plans, from completing tasks to following schedules, and makes interpersonal relationships more difficult (Siegel, 2007). Here are two examples of how internal psychological issues can interfere with efficient Time Management: * Imagine you're the director of a branch of a real estate company. You're writing a promotional piece to advertise a new housing complex. Each time you sit down to work, you're inundated with interruptions. A co-worker asks you a timeconsuming question. The phone rings while your secretary is out to lunch; it's your daughter calling from school to say that she's sick. By the end of the day, exhausted, you realize that you wrote your piece within scattered, fifteen-minute chunks of Time. * Imagine you've been assigned to prepare a presentation at work for a group of your colleagues. With the best of intentions, you decide to start working on the project in the morning, when your energy is at its greatest. Even though you've planned to leave your whole morning free, you put off working on the presentation till the last minute. By procrastinating, you've wasted your best energy and wind up rushing to finish the presentation. Although the first example might seem to describe only external factors interfering with time, varying degrees of internal conflicts might be at work under the surface as well. These could range from the inability to create professional boundaries, to trouble setting limits, to fear of delegating responsibilities and giving up control. In the second example, no amount of external time management solutions can address the unconscious internal conflicts that cause procrastination. These could range from beliefs rooted in childhood experience, such as "They'll judge and attack me," "I'm not good enough to do the job well," or "I'm terrified to speak in public." In both of these kinds of situations, old neural nets from child years are likely suppressing our capacity to function from a balanced state of mind. From infancy, neural nets that can deter us as adults are generated when early care providers aren't sufficiently attuned to our physical and emotional needs. These experiences create implicit memories, including nonconscious mental models about our worth, our abilities, and the way the relational world works. When there is not sufficient empathy in our early environment, such neural nets remain dissociated from the flow of the integrating brain, so when they are triggered in adulthood, our rational choices are overwhelmed by the super-fast limbic rush of these mental models. We may fully intend to work on a pressing project, and find ourselves devouring ice cream instead. Because these experiences are dissociated from connection with your middle prefrontal cortical regions, we are fleeced of the complex processing offered there, including the capacity to see a variety of choices and the response flexibility to choose the best option and act on it. Consequently, we're less able to address clearly and potently the issues that arise regarding ourselves, others, and the task at hand, making it virtually impossible for us to make decisions from a place of choice and freedom (Siegel, 2007). Although we can't always change our external situation, we do have the ability to influence our degree of neural integration, giving us the power to change our internal and external responses to challenges. The freedom given by increased capacity for choice is an effective time management skill that frees our energy for the task at hand, while changing the quality of our work and life. Ideally, each of us experiences the integration of body, thoughts, and feelings - or, to say it neurobiologically, body, left hemisphere, and right hemisphere. Any successful approach to time management must incorporate all of these aspects of our being, each of which shapes the way we interact with and relate to Time. In order to manage Time with success, we first ought to learn to manage ourselves. It's key to know the significant difference between "management" and "control." Rather than closing off from complicated feelings or beliefs in order to regain control, true self-management involves being in touch with all parts of ourselves. In this way, we can gradually develop the capacity to respond to any situation from a place of awareness and choice, rather than be pulled off track by external pressures, old neural nets, and our own feelings and beliefs. As we become increasingly aware of internal (psychological, emotional, and bodily) factors that inform the way we relate to Time, our middle prefrontal cortex begins to integrate with previously dissociated limbic firing. So the next question is, "How do we promote the neural integration that will lead to greater freedom in regard to Time?" By: CJ Pennington Read more:

Saturday 11 May 2019

Simple Time Management Rules

Time Bandits And Productivity Saboteurs - Identifying And Managing Them

Today's working environments are riddled with interruptions and distractions. Just when we get focused on one task, a new e-mail arrives, the phone rings, or someone stops by and off we go on a new tangent. Later, when we return to the original task, we need to get back up to speed before we can make any progress. The net result is lost time and greater anxiety. Unfortunately, interruptions or distractions are a part of the workplace. Consequently, we must understand the nature of each to better manage them. Dissecting Time Bandits Productivity saboteurs originate from one of three sources - You, Them, and It. Let's examine the role of each source in diminishing our productivity. You. The most insidious time bandit is yourself. We each allow, even create, distractions that reduce our productivity and cause our workloads to pile up even higher. A classic example of this is flitting from task to task or place to place during the day. The act of just "touching" your work is a distraction you create rather than actually doing anything substantive on any one task. For example, does this sound familiar? You've got to get a task completed, but you find yourself incessantly checking your e-mail Inbox, your Twitter account or your Facebook updates. Nothing is getting done, but there's a whole bunch of activity going on! The most productive way to manage this type of self-inflicted distraction is to sit quietly in front of the work you need to do. Yes, just sit there. Quietly ...maybe with a blank screen or pen and paper in front of you. Let your mind settle down and allow yourself to think just about what it is you need to get done. Resist the urge to dart off to some other perceived exigency. As your brain settles down and begins to focus on the task at hand, you'll discover the path to completion for this project. Them. Everyone in your workplace is a potential time bandit. Without warning, these folks can pounce on you, delivering up huge interruptions. Some of these interruptions are substantive - they actually require your assistance. However, many of them are unnecessary and do nothing but cause you to veer away from your well-intended and productive efforts. Moreover, keeping an "open door" and managing by "walking around" are highly lauded management practices that must be considered when seeking to manage unnecessary interruptions for fear of communicating an unwanted message - leave me alone! The best tact is to divide your time physically between periods when interruptions are "acceptable" and periods when they're not. Thus, during "acceptable" periods, make yourself available via the open door, etc. When the interruption occurs, quickly determine its priority and manage accordingly - deal with it right now, schedule time with the interrupter (in the future) to deal with the issue, or stand up (to indicate closure) and accept any physical manifestation of the interruption and place it in the Inbox for future consideration. Conversely, during "unacceptable" periods, make yourself unavailable via a closed door (with or without a note on the door asking not to be disturbed) or simply by leaving - go to a place where you're unlikely to be found such as a conference room or empty office. It. The "it" to which I refer is most often technology. We are bombarded by various interruptions and easy-to-access distractions via modern technology. For example, take new message alerts! "You've got mail" became the banner of the Internet age. Today, busy workers deal with tens, if not hundreds, of e-mails every day, with a corresponding "Ping" and screen flash every time a new one arrives. What's the point of knowing every time "You've got mail"!? If it's so darn important, why aren't you calling me or coming to see me? You get my point. The same goes with the onslaught of social media - updates to Twitter and Facebook and their progeny are bombarding us with largely unexamined and generally unimportant information. The best way to handle this particular productivity saboteur is to take command of the technology and drive it, instead of being driven by it. Specifically, turn off all new message/update alerts and visit each technology source as often as necessary to remain in control of the information being delivered via that channel. Thus, you can turn off your new e-mail alert and check it every 20 to 30 minutes to make sure you're remaining responsive. With social media, check it on your breaks - they're "social" by definition, so treat them as such! Doing What You Can With What You Have In short, interruptions and distractions can never be eliminated from our days. In fact, some matters are truly urgent and require an interruption. However, if you realize that these emergencies are in the great minority of events and construct mechanisms to efficiently attend to the rest of the productivity saboteurs that come at you during the day, you'll find that your focus goes up and, along with it, your productivity and sense of accomplishment! By: Paul H. Burton Read more:

Friday 10 May 2019

Brian Tracy's Top 10 Rules For Success (@BrianTracy)

The Three Rhythms Of Workflow - Getting And Staying In The Groove

It's been a rock and rollday here. Monday's always are ... for most of us. Between all the things I shoved into this week from last week, the things everyone else shoved into this week, and the collective exigenciesthat popped up over the weekend, it's a wonder Monday ever ends! I felt myself ease into the groove right way, first reviewing the landscape of the day, then triaging all the e-mails that had arrived overnight. The collective pulse rose as people started calling and the activity level all around me increased. Soon, I was responding to client and employee requests for my attention, while I also re-scripted a presentation I wanted to record for the web. The middle of the day heaved over and as the afternoon drew out in front of me, I found myself contending with several technical issues. By mid-afternoon it was time to get a number of things done out of the office, so into the world I went. The relative quiet of the outside world was a welcome relief to the mounting pressure building in the office. E-mails weren't quite as urgent as keeping my eyes on the road and phone calls were taken more selectively. With the errands complete, I returned to the office for a final triage before heading out into the drizzle for a run. While I slogged through the rain, I reviewed the day from the 10,000 foot level. There had been much activity and even a fair amount of productivity, but what struck me the mostwas the rhythms I'd experienced during theday. The more I thought about what I'd done all day, the more I realized that we (all of us) work in three distinct rhythms - Rapid Fire, Small Burst and Extended Focus. Each rhythm has its own pace and its own benefits. Breaking Down the Day From a productivity standpoint, the longer we can stay in each rhythm, the more we'll get done. It's not just that multitasking is inefficient, it's that batching like tasks together reduces the need to change the type offocus and energy you needto remain highly productive. To achieve this higher level of productivity, group like tasks together based on the three categories below, then organize your day around addressing them in batches. Not only will you get more done, you'll enjoy the benefits of accomplishing these associated tasks. Rapid Fire - You're Needed. The best example of the Rapid Fire rhythm is powering through e-mail. It's so reassuring to have all those e-mails waiting for us. Way deep down, our egos are screaming, "You like me! You really like me!" (Apologies to Sally, but it was just too opportune!) On a more serious note, the reality is that we get a lot of e-mail and we need to get through it all. It's also true that most e-mail is some form of junk mail - stuff you don't really need to know or do anything about. Thus, it's a perfect place to get into a Rapid Fire rhythm and slice and dice your way to the end of them. Proper setup of for Rapid Fire processing is vital, so check thisarticle out on how to do that - Setup For Power Processing Your E-mail - then select a couple of times each hour to bust a move on that e-mail. Don't stop until you've covered all the unread ones, then move to the next thing that needs your attention. Short Burst - You're Gettin' 'Er Done. The Small Burst rhythm is reflected in the incremental efforts you make all day longto move the ball down the field.These are the 10- to 15-minute projects/phone calls/meetings that consume most of your day. Each time a small task is completed, the project is that much closer to getting done. Whenever you get a bunch of these done in a day, you feel really productive. This rhythm is evidenced by the lines through things on your To Do list and the associated feeling of accomplishment you getlooking at that list at the end of the day. The best time to seek out this rhythm is first thing in the morning - right after the initial e-mail triage - and right before going home. These activities tend to generate mental energy as opposed to deplete it, so fill that tank up first thing when you get to the office and right before you go home! Extended Focus - You're Contributing. Undoubtedly the most rewarding experience - personally andprofessionally - is when we feel as though we're contributing to the effort, whatever that effort might be. Getting into the Extended Focus rhythm is the most likely place to capture that feeling. This rhythm is quieter mentally and physically than the other two. This is when your focus dives deep into a task or project and you begin to see all the connections you'repulling together. We've all felt proud and satisfied with ourselves when we see a project we've worked long and hard on come to fruition. We've madea difference; we've contributed. This rhythm is not something we can enjoy every day, but it's a rhythm that isnecessary to get the big tasks done. Thus, you need tomake time and space for itin your schedule. Sequester yourself away physically if necessary to get into and be able to stay in this rhythm. The reward isworth it. Manage Your Day to Get the Most From It The three rhythms of the day come and go. Some days are all Rapid Fire. Some are mixes of Rapid Fire and Short Bursts. A few include Extended Focus.Each rhythm is natural and each delivers a reward. Your assignment, should you decide to accept it (nod to Mission Impossible), is to organize the work that needs doing to best leverage these rhythms. By: Paul H. Burton Read more:

Thursday 9 May 2019

Jim Rohn - How to Use Your Time Wisely (Personal Development)

3 Simple Steps to Getting More Done in Less Time

Are you ready to find out how to get more done in less time? Here are 3 simple steps to get you started. First and foremost you need to be organized. Most of the people who earn six or seven figures and only work 20 hours per week or less are highly organized individuals. In addition to being organized you need to prioritize. For most of us, 80% of what we spend our time doing, only makes 20% of the difference. People who only work part-time and make six and seven figures know exactly what matters and that's what they spend their time doing. They skip or delegate everything else. Step 1 -- Get organized and prioritize. Make a list of everything there is to do and handle in your life, your home and your business or job. Just sit down and start listing things you either want or need to get done in no particular order, as they pop into your head. This list of "to do's" is finite and in reality will probably only take you a couple of hours to create. Step 2 - Take a good look at the items on your list and decide what items will make the most impact on your income and quality of life. Sit in silence for 20 minutes and meditate over your list. The most impactful items on your list will start jumping off the page. Highlight those items. Step 3 - Move all of the highlighted items from your list into your calendar. Schedule each item. Be realistic when determining how much time to allow for each item. For example, you might schedule one item for Tuesday from 4pm-5pm, another item on Wednesday from 8pm-10pm, and so on. If you are unable to get all of the items into your calendar within the next two weeks, then you need to refine your highlighted list again before entering them into your schedule. This process helps you get organized, focus on the 20% that matters most and will help prevent you from taking on more tasks than you can handle effectively. If you are unable to complete a task during the scheduled time, re-schedule the task for another time. Once you fully switch from keeping a running "to do" list to scheduling every task, you will feel more relaxed, be more efficient, have more time and you will get more done. "To Do" lists tend to be weights on our shoulders. They make us feel like we will never be caught up, never get it all done and often they cause us to focus on the least important tasks. When you have a running "to do" list you are more likely to stress over what you need to get done and when and how it's going to get done. By simply scheduling what needs to get done, it will get done when it's time to do it. No more stressing or agonizing over it. Be sure to leave open space in your calendar for interruptions and putting out fires. Also, schedule family time, exercise time, alone time, mealtime and organization time (go through your mail, file, etc). This will help keep you organized and in balance. By: Heidi DeCoux Read more:

Wednesday 8 May 2019


Discover Ways to Stop Procrastination Now

To stop procrastination, one has to reach a point in their life and finally realize that absolutely nothing will ever change until a radical mindset shift begins and backed up with consistent daily action steps. Let's take Bill's story for example. Bill joined the latest and greatest opportunity to hit the planet about a month ago and he is really looking forward to getting things going. Bill goes to his weekly city live presentations but always goes alone because it's 7pm and he doesn't want to trouble anyone he knows during a weeknight. Bill's upline and mentor emails him 20 leads she generated herself but he puts off calling them because he's got to get a good nights sleep and wake up early to get to his job that he hates. A week later, he has his 3 way call list and scripts ready to call the leads his upline gave him but Bill's brother from Denver calls him and they talk for about 2 hours. Bill decides tomorrow I'll get that mlm article written and upload that first video to YouTube, but I can't do it now because American Idol is on. Oh wow, 24 is coming up next got. I've gotta find out if Jack is going to make it this time and not run out of time. Tomorrow comes and goes and Bill didn't write a single article or upload that video he shot 3 weeks ago. Why? Because Bill is a major procrastinator. Let's look at a few causes and what one can do to avoid procrastination Laziness - a lot of people are exhausted at the end of the work day but how will you quit your job and enjoy the time freedom of mlm success if you don't make a change. Do jumping jacks, pushups or jog for 20 min and renew your energy. Kick procrastination to the curb. Start eating the right foods to energize your body. You've got to sacrifice if you want to make it in the mlm industry. Overwhelmed - to many things on your To Do list? Feeling like everyday doesn't have enough hours in the day? Reassess your schedule because your inner self may be telling you "Easy there buddy! You've got way too much going on here and I'm not doing all that!" That's a big welcome sign for procrastination to creep back in your life. Outsource some of your menial tasks to a virtual assistant in the Philippines or India. is a great site for hiring talented assistants for extremely reasonable rates. Working over 45 hours a week usually decreases motivation, production and creativity. Don't be afraid to ask for help from loved ones if need be. Not Motivated - nothing wrong with having a "I don't feel like doing anything" kind of day once in a while, however when it's happening too often. That's a warning sign that what you are doing may not be what your purpose in life is. It may not be your passion and that's OK. It just means that when you discover what your passion is and center your work around it that new career change will not feel like work but a tremendous joy. Poor at Time Management - are you constantly falling behind on the tasks that you need to get done? Or having drawn out prospecting conversations for 25 to 30 minutes when it should have been a 10 minute call? Create a plan of daily, consistent, time focused action! Schedule your breaks in between as your activities change and reward yourself with something that brings you joy. So if you're writing a blog article and your scheduled to have it completed in one hour, get it done and take a 20 minute walk, have a 20 minute conversation with a close friend or watch your favorite DVD for 20 min. Whatever brings you joy! In order to tame and keep that animal called Procrastination at bay, personal development Cd's, DVD's and books can only go so far. You have to come to a point in your life that YOU want to change and then take disciplined action until your bad habits convert to good habits. Your personal growth factor will shoot thru the roof. You'll be that person who is vibrant, focused, disciplined and courageous. The results far out way the challenges you'll face in the beginning of your journey. So I encourage you to rise up for the challenge and eliminate procrastination from your life for certain. By: Nelson Montanez Read more:

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Smart Work & Time Management - By Sandeep Maheshwari I Hindi

Three Small Steps To Greater Control Of Your Day

Change is easy; deciding to is hard. That's because we all know that we need to make changes to improve our lives. However, the inertia of the status quo is a very powerful force to overcome when the moment to effect those changes arrives. My personal and professional experience is that small change is, indeed, the most effective strategy for accomplishing all types of goals. In my work with clients - individuals, groups and organizations - I focus my effort on small changes that you can make to "how" you work to regain a sense of command. Grouping together a series of small changes is the best way I've found for people to really get some positive traction on reducing the sense of being overwhelmed. Here are my top three: Turn Your New Message Alerts Offand Batch Process. "You've got mail!" ushered in the Internet age, but little did we know that a daily avalanche of e-mail, texts, and posts would ensue. These micro-interruptions, which occur on average about 100 times each working day, are destroying our ability to get things done and audibly and visually increasing our stress level. Turn these alerts off and check your e-mail Inbox and text screens periodically - every 15 minutes if necessary. If you do, you'll find a sense of calm and quiet returning to your day. Do One Thing at a Time. We don't need esteemed institutions of higher learning like Stanford University to tell us that people don't multi-task very well. Just try having a conversation with someone who is also checking their e-mail. You'll readily see that doing one thing at a time is far more efficient and effective. This discipline of picking up and working on one thing at a time is more critical today than ever before. We all choose how distracted we want to be every time we start/stop working on a task. Remember, there's a huge difference between activity (rushing about) and productivity (getting things done). Give yourself a fighting chance by striving to do only one thing at a time. Create a Designated Workspace. Piles, lists, papers and the like create distraction when located on or near where you're trying to work. That's because humans have 120 degrees of peripheral vision. Even though most of your focus is on the task at hand, some small percentage of that focus is processing the fact that you have all this other work to do too. Small distractions reduce productivity andincrease stress. Simply wipe the desktop clear of all things except the one thing you need to work on right now. You'll be more focused and get more done. I repeat these three suggestions at every opportunity because they make a nice group of interrelated small changes. Turning off the incessant "Ping" and "Preview" of new message alerts creates a quiet workspace. Working on one thing at a time increases your focus, which drives greater productivity. Doing that one thing in your designated workspace reduces peripheral distraction and makes your work effort more efficient and effective. The quieter you can be - mentally and physically - and the more focus you can achieve, the higher your productivity. Getting more done not only frees up more of your time, it also drives a greater sense of accomplish and satisfaction. By: Paul H. Burton Read more: