Wednesday 8 May 2019

Discover Ways to Stop Procrastination Now

To stop procrastination, one has to reach a point in their life and finally realize that absolutely nothing will ever change until a radical mindset shift begins and backed up with consistent daily action steps. Let's take Bill's story for example. Bill joined the latest and greatest opportunity to hit the planet about a month ago and he is really looking forward to getting things going. Bill goes to his weekly city live presentations but always goes alone because it's 7pm and he doesn't want to trouble anyone he knows during a weeknight. Bill's upline and mentor emails him 20 leads she generated herself but he puts off calling them because he's got to get a good nights sleep and wake up early to get to his job that he hates. A week later, he has his 3 way call list and scripts ready to call the leads his upline gave him but Bill's brother from Denver calls him and they talk for about 2 hours. Bill decides tomorrow I'll get that mlm article written and upload that first video to YouTube, but I can't do it now because American Idol is on. Oh wow, 24 is coming up next got. I've gotta find out if Jack is going to make it this time and not run out of time. Tomorrow comes and goes and Bill didn't write a single article or upload that video he shot 3 weeks ago. Why? Because Bill is a major procrastinator. Let's look at a few causes and what one can do to avoid procrastination Laziness - a lot of people are exhausted at the end of the work day but how will you quit your job and enjoy the time freedom of mlm success if you don't make a change. Do jumping jacks, pushups or jog for 20 min and renew your energy. Kick procrastination to the curb. Start eating the right foods to energize your body. You've got to sacrifice if you want to make it in the mlm industry. Overwhelmed - to many things on your To Do list? Feeling like everyday doesn't have enough hours in the day? Reassess your schedule because your inner self may be telling you "Easy there buddy! You've got way too much going on here and I'm not doing all that!" That's a big welcome sign for procrastination to creep back in your life. Outsource some of your menial tasks to a virtual assistant in the Philippines or India. is a great site for hiring talented assistants for extremely reasonable rates. Working over 45 hours a week usually decreases motivation, production and creativity. Don't be afraid to ask for help from loved ones if need be. Not Motivated - nothing wrong with having a "I don't feel like doing anything" kind of day once in a while, however when it's happening too often. That's a warning sign that what you are doing may not be what your purpose in life is. It may not be your passion and that's OK. It just means that when you discover what your passion is and center your work around it that new career change will not feel like work but a tremendous joy. Poor at Time Management - are you constantly falling behind on the tasks that you need to get done? Or having drawn out prospecting conversations for 25 to 30 minutes when it should have been a 10 minute call? Create a plan of daily, consistent, time focused action! Schedule your breaks in between as your activities change and reward yourself with something that brings you joy. So if you're writing a blog article and your scheduled to have it completed in one hour, get it done and take a 20 minute walk, have a 20 minute conversation with a close friend or watch your favorite DVD for 20 min. Whatever brings you joy! In order to tame and keep that animal called Procrastination at bay, personal development Cd's, DVD's and books can only go so far. You have to come to a point in your life that YOU want to change and then take disciplined action until your bad habits convert to good habits. Your personal growth factor will shoot thru the roof. You'll be that person who is vibrant, focused, disciplined and courageous. The results far out way the challenges you'll face in the beginning of your journey. So I encourage you to rise up for the challenge and eliminate procrastination from your life for certain. By: Nelson Montanez Read more:

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